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High Dose Vitamin C Therapy for Major Diseases – Andrew Saul

Saturday, March 25, 2017 4:26
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(Before It's News)

Videos For An Earth In Transition –  

Source: Andrew Saul PhD 

A lecture given in Wichita in October 2016. 
Presented courtesy of the Riordan Clinic… 

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  • I am so sick to death of these wonderful cures when everything appears to be specific product, yet.. no real ways to determine efficacy of each tablet .. with what the Elite and their bands have already done to taint this food supply, the corruption, the ineffectiveness, the poisons, I have no trust in anyone testing anything for me, and I don’t usually have the money to spend big money on Alt Care, the Elite have also seen to that.

    I’m tired, MANY are tired of this drama! FDA doesn’t protect Squat! Neither does CDC, USDA, EPA, BLM, DOJ, FBI, CIA, NSA.. they are too worried about their power, versus what is right. When We The People, get sick enough of it, we are coming for ALL of you, and you better know, it’s coming quicker than you can imagine! Get it together Government or We THE TRUE Government are going to take what is rightfully ours, and legally execute every one of you rat bastards for your Treason. Decide… how are you going down? Because you are all on a tight rope, and “I was ordered to do it” will NEVER Negate your responsibility to have not done it. You are a Traitor.. do you make the best of it and hope for some small measure of redemption… or do you ride it out….only you can answer that question… time is short.

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