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Incredible: Scientists Turn Spinach Leaves Into Human Heart Tissue

Tuesday, March 28, 2017 13:03
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We all know that spinach is one of the most healthy foods. However, it doesn’t really have any additional affect on human health outside of nutrition. Or at least that used to be case. Bioengineers with the Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Massachusetts have discovered a bizarre new medical application for spinach leaves that will blow your mind.

They’ve found a way to turn spinach leaves into human heart tissue. The researchers used a detergent to strip away the cells of the plant, which left behind a translucent shell made of cellulose. That shell acts as a kind of scaffolding, which can be impregnated with human cells. The result is a fully functional human vascular system in the shape of the veins that once ran through the spinach leaf.

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Contributed by Daniel Lang of The Daily Sheeple.

Daniel Lang is a researcher and staff writer for The Daily Sheeple – Wake The Flock Up!


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