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Judge Napolitano and NSA William Binney on Vault 7 Wikileaks – The Deep State Algos have Taken Over

Tuesday, March 7, 2017 20:15
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(Before It's News)

[ZurichTimes] The Good Judge Napolitano issues his verdict on the Nest of Spies known as the CIA aka the Central Incompetence Agency and their use of Malware to Spy on every American and perhaps even every world citizen in real-time. 

However, it is only with the use of AI technology that so much data can be processed so in essence the other real story here is that the Deep State is wholly reliant and dependent upon Computer Programmers aka Quants and their AI based Algos or Algorithms.

When it was reported a few months ago that the Algos have taken over they were completely on target.

Here is a short and highly disturbing review of the book How Robots & Algorithms Are Taking Over;

By Frey and Osborne’s calculations, there is about a 50 percent chance that programming, too, will be outsourced to machines within the next two decades.

In fact, this is already happening, in part because programmers increasingly rely on “self-correcting” codethat is, code that debugs and rewrites itself*—and in part because they are creating machines that are able to learn on the job. While these machines cannot think, per se, they can process phenomenal amounts of data with ever-increasing speed and use what they have learned to perform such functions as medical diagnosis, navigation, and translation, among many others. Add to these self-repairing robots that are able to negotiate hostile environments like radioactive power plants and collapsed mines and then fix themselves without human intercession when the need arises. The most recent iteration of these robots has been designed by the robots themselves, suggesting that in the future even roboticists may find themselves out of work.

[ZurichTimes] It is called Planned Obsolescence and what is being made obsolete now is us as in Humans as in Humanity. About 80% of HFT is being done with AI based computer systems and the use of Algorithms so we are not only financially beholden to an artificial entity, but so are the UnIntelligence Agencies who now are also wholly dependent on them as well.

Furthermore, It is our belief that when President Trump tweeted that Trump Tower was being wiretapped that this information was based on what he was foretold and warned about the upcoming Vault 7 Wikileaks disclosure. So these two stories are intrinsically intertwined and Trump knows how Deep this Deep State Hole goes.

Mark Levin weighs in on the Wiretapping Fiasco

So now when question that remains is when will CIA Thug Clapper being goes to the Clapper for Perjury? And what was does “not wittingly” mean exactly if not that you had prior knowledge? So his defense will be “I did not wittingly lie before Congress” – what type of a Zoo is operating in Washington exactly?

More reason to close your Facebook account permanently. This Facebook BEAST system is the foundation upon which the profile of every American profile and again with the use of the AI. 

And if still over evidence needed here is a final piece of news that even the FACT Checking will be done by the AI and the Algos - it is called the FACTMATA Project.



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