By Anna Von Reitz
I am tired of arguing with ill-informed, well-intentioned Americans who have been lied to and deliberately confused for so many years they don’t know which end is up and can’t even read well. So I have boiled the Big Picture down to little couplets and sound bites.
Each one of these is critical to grasping both who we are and where we are in the current time.
So let’s begin:
The United States is a paid foreign subcontractor of the United States of America and always has been.
The United States provides nineteen enumerated “essential government services” for the United States of America.
United States Citizens and citizens of the United States are your employees and they are foreign employees.
The word “people” means “militia”.
The only “people” being referenced as “We, the People” in the Preamble of the Constitution are members of the victorious state militias that won the Revolutionary War. _________________________________________________________________________
You are born as a State National — a Virginian, Wisconsinite, New Yorker, etc. – with the option to serve as a State Citizen by accepting your duty to serve and support the county and state jural assemblies and the state militia or to serve in a public land jurisdiction office.
We, the People—State Citizens— are citizens of the United States of America. Notice the “of America” part of the name?
“We, the People” are NOT and have never been “United States Citizens” nor “citizens of the United States”.
United States Citizens are citizens of the United States, not the United States of America.
United States Citizens are not owed any of the guarantees of the Constitution. They are foreigners on our shores merely “residing” among us to provide “essential government services”, so they are not heirs of our land or our resources.
Only United States Citizens or citizens of the United States may vote in US elections.
You have been fooled into thinking that their elections are all your elections. They aren’t.
All the offices being filled and occupied —apart from those vacant public offices that are now being filled by returning American State Citizens— are private corporate offices, not public offices at all.
Your natural birthright standing as a State National was unlawfully converted when you were just a baby via a process of undisclosed and fraudulent contract with your Mother.
She was confused and induced to agree that you were a “United States Citizen”.
This created a legal presumption was then used to create a false claim against your name and estate.
To overcome this presumption you have to rebut and repudiate it in the public record via an Act of Expatriation and other appropriate paperwork extricating yourself from the clutches of the United States.
Most importantly, you must “surrender” the US PERSON by signing over an authenticated Birth Certificate to the Secretary of the Treasury, appointing him your Fiduciary using an IRS Form 56, and directing him to convert the US ACCOUNT to the United States of America U.S. Treasury, without recourse.
That action proves beyond any doubt that you are not consenting and not desiring to act as a United States Citizen nor as a citizen of the United States. At the same time, you must establish a Private Registered Indemnity Bond, which you issue to cover your rump from any claims— past, present, or future— related to this ACCOUNT.
Recent reaction against this crime and fraud against the people of the United States of America has resulted in rallying international outrage against the United States, and much effort in the international jurisdiction to bring an end to the practices that have been used by the United States to press-gang and enslave Americans via undisclosed and purposefully deceitful adhesion contracts.
These are international crimes being carried out by employees against their employers.
The perpetrators of these crimes have been at it since 1860.
They have tried to claim that they are engaged in a perpetual war against the United States of America and therefore justified in practicing genocide on paper.
Recent research has revealed that the American Civil War was not a war, but an illegal mercenary action carried out on our shores. There is no Declaration of War by a land jurisdiction Congress. There is no actual Peace Treaty ending any such “war”.
Additional research has shown that the United States has attempted to overthrow the United States of America via the deliberate use of fraudulent grammar, deceptively similar names, and purposefully deceptive bookkeeping practices.
By literally using two sets of books and not disclosing large income streams by segregating them as “non-budgeted funds” and other improper bookkeeping conventions, the United States has amassed huge fortunes in public employee pension funds which are then used to invest in and control major sectors of the economy.
They have also accumulated a bogus “National Debt” of over $20 trillion dollars.
They have accumulated this debt in preparation for declaring the United States bankrupt.
They have named their United States Citizens and citizens of the United States and their State of State franchises as the sureties for the parent corporation’s debts—- intending to saddle the mischaracterized and misidentified American people with their own odious debts now, just as they did in the 1930’s.
Only this time, we caught them and have openly repudiated the odious debt.
This past week the US State Department and Department of Commerce were informed of certain mathematically inescapable facts. They and other departments and agency subcontractors have to account for the National Credit that is “missing” and which has not been applied to the so-called National Debt.
Oddly enough, and counter-intuitively, the Internal Revenue Service is our best friend.
The vermin responsible for this circumstance, primarily members of the American Bar Association, have sucked up trillions of dollars-worth of our National Credit and assets owed to Americans and have not paid a dime in income tax.
Everyone who has lost a home through foreclosure, everyone who has been victimized by court cases brought against US PERSONS, needs to claim the mortgage accounts and the case numbers via issuance of an IRS Form 1099A and report the courts, the judges, and the attorneys involved to the Internal Revenue Service Criminal Investigations Division.
They will gladly extract the taxes from the criminals and boot them off the bench.
The states that are members of the United States of America union are all land jurisdiction states with actual land and actual borders. They operate under names like this: Wisconsin State, California State, and Nebraska State.
The “States of States”, such as the State of Wisconsin and State of California and State of Nebraska are all run by the United States as “Territorial States” that are franchises of the United States of America (Minor)—a union of 57 inchoate “states” including the fifty franchises, the insular states, and the State of New Columbia— aka, District of Columbia.
The State and State of States Legislatures typically wear two hats.
When these elected bodies enact legislation pertaining to the actual land jurisdiction states, the results are Session Laws. These are Public Laws. They are not copyrighted. They appear with names like, “Louisiana State Session Laws”.
When these bodies switch hats, they enact legislation pertaining to the inchoate “State of State” and its employees, and the results are State Statutes. These are Private Laws. They are copyrighted and appear with names like “State of Alaska Statutes”.
This is possible because the United States allows for Dual Citizenship and lets its citizens hold both United States Citizenship and their native State Citizenship at the same time.
However, the actual States do not allow Dual Citizenship. You must choose and clearly declare your political status as a State Citizen in order to claim any valid granted authority related to the actual states and the United States of America.
This leads to the fact that there are a few actual State Citizens elected to serve in the various State of State Legislatures and in the Congress, too, who are the only ones able to elect, vote, enact, enroll, or appropriate funds in behalf of the actual states and the United States of America—-but they have been elected by United States Citizens.
No members of the Bar can participate in this elite mini-State Legislature and mini-Congress, whose members are often only a dozen or so in the House of Representatives, and less than that in the United States Senate.
It is upon the votes and honor of these very few men and women that the validity of the Session Laws and the Enrolled Acts of the States in Congress Assembled depend.
Because there are so few of them, it is impossible to conduct business that requires a majority of the states to participate.
They cannot even establish the quorum necessary to recall and reseat a land jurisdiction Continental Congress. Thus the actual Congress we are owed remains adjourned.
The character of the “laws” being passed, either public or private, and the outcome of all the legislation depends on the undisclosed political status of those being elected to office.
If you elect “United States Citizens” the bulk of what gets done favors the United States and results in statutory law.
If you elect State Citizens, the bulk of what gets done favors the United States of America and results in Public Law.
Since we are kept studiously ignorant and the political status of the candidates is not advertised, we cannot make a valid choice.
This silence is self-interested on both sides.
The United States is benefited by having United States Citizens elected to office, because they then appropriate funds and take other actions beneficial for the United States.
The United States of America consolidates power in just a few individuals and is therefore enabled to more readily control them.
Since United States Citizens can only produce statutory law and State Citizens can only produce Public Law, both activities go on in tandem within the halls of what appears to be one “State” Legislature and one “United States” Congress.
By presuming that all Americans are Dual Citizens the United States ups its portion of the legislatures and the Congress, because this legal presumption requires determined action and rebuttal by individuals who know who they are and know what their proper political status is.
You have to actively reclaim your birth right political status. You have to knowingly choose to create and participate in your county and state jural assemblies and to join your state militia.
This leads to only the “cream of the crop” of knowledgeable and studious Americans wielding the real power of the United States of America and enjoying the wealth of our nation.
It also leads to the situation so aptly described by the Prophet Amos, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.”
Between the Blue-Blood Elitists who have betrayed the overall Public Good to feather their own nests and increase their own power, and the Renegade Employees on the other, the American people have been driven pillar to post, rightfully confused, dimly aware that something awful is going on and not able to account for it, not able to identify rank and file American State Citizens to elect to office and not even aware that there is a need to do so.
The land jurisdiction states still exist. The American People still exist. But our state offices are largely standing vacant because of the ignorance that pervades every corner of our nation. Our state militias have been stupidly given over to the control of State of State franchise Governors who are employees of the foreign United States, and who are predominately United States Citizens instead of State Citizens.
This ignorance and apathy and lack of open declaration of political status must end.
Though considered a private matter, political status is the ultimate determining factor in our elections, the quality of our representation, the honoring of our contracts, the protection of our rights, and the recognition of our standing in our own courts.
If you want to take America back, you have to start by reclaiming your own political status as an American State National—-firmly rebutting and expatriating from and surrendering the US PERSON(S) that identify you as a “United States Citizen”.
Then you have to take the next step, and become an American State Citizen by serving as a member of your county and state jural assemblies and either creating or joining the actual state militia operated by American State Citizens—- the People at last.
In this way, or by serving in an elected or appointed public State office, you can finally restore your political status and become one of “We, the People”.
How do you start?
Get your own affairs in order and repudiate any claim that you are a “United States Citizen”. Record your objection in public forums and records.
Next, join the National Assembly Training Call, Thursday Evenings, at nine p.m. Eastern Standard Time, 1-712-770-4170, Access Code 226823#.
Set up your own county jural assembly.
Establish a protocol for people to renounce “United States Citizen” status and a County Recorder’s Office to record their Acts of Expatriation and surrender of US PERSONS.
Conduct and run your own elections to fill the vacant public offices including the members of your unincorporated Common Law County Court: land jurisdiction Sheriff, Justices of the Peace, Clerks, Bailiff, Coroners, Recorders.
Set up means to identify the State Citizens.
Organize your states.
Organize your state militias.
Give Notice to the United States — and to the rest of the world. Let everyone know that the Americans are home again.
See this article and over 400 others on Anna’s website here:www.annavonreitz.com
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