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Kp Message 3-17-17 0230 HST… “Who the hell cares how many timelines can fit on the head of a pin, anyway!!”

Friday, March 17, 2017 5:58
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(Before It's News)

I knew I needed to go to bed (namely, lie down on side and use this iPhone thing) a few minutes ago, as I knew I’d be getting a message. Now, what that will be, we shall see.

Actually, it had something to do with living in the moment. And (as much as possible) thriving in the moment. And sometimes “thriving” means “going through all the crap you haven’t released yet”… and then, releasing it. But today, for this moment, for me, it means releasing everything that happened at “the conference” yesterday, and BEing in today’s moments. So that’s the way it’s been.

Andrew Basagio was talking about his going back in time, forward in time, sideways in time, circling around in time, crossing timelines, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. After awhile I just felt I wanted to leave and just take care of only ONE timeline… mine… and mine only, in this current incarnation of Kp, in this current moment of now… and THAT’S IT!!!

I’ve no desire to become any kind of “professor of timelines” so I can try to figure out “how many timelines fit on the head of a pin” and how to quantum calculate which timeline is “optimal”. BS to that!!!

I am here to stay in this now moment, I am here to BE in this now moment, and I am here to live in this now moment, no matter how many timelines can fit on the head of a pin. And who the hell cares, anyway!!

Yes, I am bitching and moaning here, a little bit, but I really like to just “Keep it simple”, no matter how many others like to get into the quantum this, the quantum that, and how to calculate “How many timelines can fit on the head of a pin.”

This moment, for me, is all I want. That’s enough… for me, at least.

Aloha, Kp

Filed under: energies, Kauilapele message, new energies


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