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Kp Message 3-2-17… “Remove the Labels”

Friday, March 3, 2017 2:36
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This is partially a personal type post. I only can speak from what comes from within me. And what I know, for myself, is that I do not align with “Labels”… or “Labelers”.

So many throw labels onto things, people, events, and themselves. “Bad”, “good”, “old”, “young”, “too thin”, “too fat”, and so on.

And then there’s this world transformation we’re currently going through right now. I see labels being thrown out there, ones like, “dictator”, “fascist”, “bigot”, “racist”, “pizza-this”, “pizza-that”, “liberal-this”, “conservative-that”. Bullburgers!! For myself (and myself only) I say:

“Enough already!! I am not labeling myself. I am not labeling anyone. And I am not throwing out names like “____________-lunatic”, “____________-crazy-person”, blah, blah, blah, onto anyone.”

That does not mean that I have no personal “Higher Sense” for what is going on, and what certain people on this planet (and off this planet) are about. I do. And when I feel particularly “drawn” to put it out here, I will do so.

I kind of sense that many like to throw labels onto things so they feel more comfortable, and don’t have to really use their “Higher Senses” to evaluate with. In my view, labels (and label-attaching) are a very 3D “I’m unwilling to leave my comfort zone” way of trying to deal with a changing world.

Like saying, “I’m a Republican. I’ll never vote for a Democrat.” Or vice versa. Even though it may be quite apparent to the “Higher Senses” that the one who does not fit their personal “political label system” would be an overall more effective (aka, “better”, aka, “Higher Vibration”) choice for the planet.

So all I will say is that I am not a “labeler” (particularly of myself), and I do not ever intend to be one.

I AM what I AM. I am not what I do. I am not my age number. I am not my skin color. I am not what anyone might want to label me as. And I am not any kind of “label” I apply to myself… because I do not label.

And that’s the way it is (for me, at least)… baby!!!

Aloha, Kp

Filed under: Kauilapele message, new energies Tagged: labelling, Labels


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