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Letter From Inmate Who Attacked Jared Fogle Reveals Why He Did It

Tuesday, March 14, 2017 16:18
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Prisons are notoriously dangerous places, especially for child molesters. They’re considered the bottom rung in most prison hierarchies, and they often face the most abuse from their fellow inmates. This isn’t just because even murderers and thieves find their conduct disgusting. It’s because quite a few criminals were victims of abuse as children as well.

So it wasn’t surprising to hear last year, that former Subway spokesman and convicted child predator Jared Fogle had been attacked in prison. What is surprising is the motivation for the attack. It turns out that Jared Fogle wasn’t receiving the typical child molester treatment in prison, due to his wealth and fame, which raised the ire of his fellow inmates.

Steve Nigg was the 61-year-old inmate who attacked Fogle. A letter of his obtained by TMZ reveals why he gave Fogle the beating, which resulted in a bloody nose and several cuts and bruises. He says that Fogle became a hero among the other pedophile inmates, and that he had used his money to purchase two hulking inmates to protect him. “You would not believe how arrogant Jared was. He hired bodyguards and the other child molesters looked at him as if he was a god.”

Nigg was eventually moved to a different prison to keep him away from Fogle, and was punished by losing his right to email contact and commissary.

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Contributed by Daniel Lang of The Daily Sheeple.

Daniel Lang is a researcher and staff writer for The Daily Sheeple – Wake The Flock Up!


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