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London Attack: Attacker Named as British Man ‘Khalid Masood’, Known to British Intelligence

Thursday, March 23, 2017 17:02
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21st Century Wire says…

On Wednesday at 14:40 GMT, a knife attacker was shot by armed police after a car mowed down pedestrians on Westminster Bridge and charged the gates of the British Parliament, in what police are treating as a terrorist incident.

Four people, including the assailant and a Metropolitan police officer, died as a result of Wednesday’s attack. It has been reported that 29 people were injured during the incident.

Within the last couple of hours, Scotland Yard named 52 year old Khalid Masood as yesterday’s attacker at Westminster. British Prime Minister Theresa May today at the House of Commons revealed that Masood was known to British security services but on a ‘periphery’ level. Police have also confirmed that Masood was known to them too with a previous criminal record including assault, possession of offensive weapons, and public order offences.

More on this report from RT…


The London terrorist attacker has been named by police as Khalid Masood.

Masood, 52, was born in Kent and detectives believe he was most recently living in the West Midlands. Masood was also known by a number of aliases,  Scotland Yard says.

Masood was not the subject of any current investigations and there was no prior intelligence about his intent to mount a terrorist attack.

Khalid Masood has been formally identifed by police as the man responsible for the #WestminsterAttack in #London

— Metropolitan Police (@metpoliceuk) March 23, 2017

He was known to police, however, and had a range of previous convictions for assaults, including GBH, possession of offensive weapons and public order offenses.

His first conviction was in November 1983 for criminal damage and his last conviction was in December 2003 for possession of a knife.

He had never been convicted for any terrorism offences, police say.

According to Sky News, Masood was an English teacher and religious convert. He was a married father of three, who was into bodybuilding.

Westminster attacker Khalid Masood was an English teacher and religious convert, sources tell us.

— Andy Hughes (@SkyAndyHughes) March 23, 2017

Sky sources: Westminster attacker Khalid Masood was a married father of three, who worked as an English teacher and was into bodybuilding.

— Andy Hughes (@SkyAndyHughes) March 23, 2017

Masood killed three and injured 29 people in a terrorist attack in Westminster on Wednesday. He rammed pedestrians while speeding across Westminster Bridge in a car, then ran towards Parliament and stabbed a police officer dead.

Masood was shot dead by an armed police officer outside Parliament.

Giving details of the attacker’s background in Parliament today, May said the assailant was known to police and MI5 – the UK’s domestic intelligence agency.

“What I can confirm is that the man was British-born and that – some years ago – he was once investigated in relation to concerns about violent extremism. He was a peripheral figure.

“The case is historic – he was not part of the current intelligence picture. There was no prior intelligence of his intent – or of the plot. Intensive investigations continue…”

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