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He’s Done it Again! Pope Francis Made Another Globalist Declaration & You Won’t Believe What He Did at the Vatican! (Video)

Sunday, March 26, 2017 11:57
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(Before It's News)




This pope can’t be any more anti-Christian, folks. I do believe he is the False Prophet of Revelation (a Communist one at that) for he clearly has a spirit of antichrist, shooting for a one world religion and one world leader. Islam and Christianity are polar OPPOSITES! No, satanism will NEVER mix with the True & Holy God!


The European Union “risks dying” without a “new vision“, Pope Francis has claimed, while launching a bitter assault on the value of democracy, declaring it “a form of egotism“.

From MLordandGod

Communist Pope Francis Declares: ‘Democracy Is Egotism’ – See What He DID in the Vatican!


In an address to European leaders on Friday, the Pope said the European Union faced a “vacuum of values” and was losing its “sense of direction” and called for a “stronger, consolidated Europe” against the rising tide of democratic populist movements.

The extreme comments delivered by the pontiff have drawn the ire of pro-democracy Catholics, who claim the pontiff is working towards calling for the reintroduction of communism to Europe.

The pontiff contrasted socialist solidarity, which draws us “closer to our neighbors,” with democratic populism, which is “the fruit of an egotism that hems people in and prevents them from overcoming and ‘looking beyond’ their own narrow vision.”

As a number of European countries prepare for important national elections pitting populist leaders against establishment, left-leaning parties, the Pope took an unusually overt stand in favor of a socialist vision of the future of the region – and the world.

There is a need to start thinking once again as Europeans,” Francis said, “so as to avert the opposite dangers of a dreary uniformity or the triumph of particularisms.

Politics needs this kind of leadership, which avoids appealing to emotions to gain consent, but instead, in a spirit of solidarity and subsidiarity, devises policies that can make the Union as a whole develop harmoniously,” he added.

This union will only be lasting and successful if the common will of Europe “proves more powerful than the will of individual nations,” Francis said, quoting the Prime Minister of Luxembourg.


The pontiff’s comments come days after he controversially became the first Pope in history to hold Islamic prayers and Quruan recitals inside the Vatican.

Christians have pointed out that the pope’s decision to declare the Bible and the Quran one and the same and allow Islamic prayer in the Vatican directly contradicts Biblical teaching:

Jesus said to him, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.   If you know me, then you will also know my Father.”   John 14: 6-7

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Total 5 comments
  • The Pope Does Not Want You To Know This! Bombshell! Christians and Non-Christians BEWARE!

  • st

    what a fag :idea: :arrow:

  • Didn’t they make a movie on him? La-la Land?

  • You need to try to at least understand his perspective, like me, you don’t have to agree with all of it, but his perceptions of the world are different for a lot of reasons.

    As one who converted to the Catholic Church, from Evangelical Churches, I can see also why many of you question much of what he say’s and does, again, he’s done a few things I’d rather he didn’t but to perspective.

    The event was a unity Prayer, there was also a Rabbi there, too. If there somehow, someway, somewhere in the world, ONE act of violence could be avoided from this, that’s where his mind is. Don’t doubt he’s very aware of how Christians, Catholic or not, are treated in many of these countries, let alone the killing back and forth between the other two parties. He’s going to choose life, or the hope to preserve it, even if it isn’t his flock, EVEN if it’s someone who hates him openly, that’s just the way it is.

    You can say he’s a commie if you want to; he suffered as a Bishop in a nation that would murder Priests that said things they didn’t care to hear. I can promise you, he has NO favorite politician, if you remember when Jesus was tempted, the devil told him all of these kingdoms are mine. When he went to give a speech to Congress, he was nervous and sweaty, because from his view, he was in a room full of people who without remorse enable awful things to happen in the world, to spill innocent blood, to him, it is a den of evil.

    Lastly, I’m 100% against the globalist agenda, I don’t think any of that is what he want’s, I think he’s concerned that down the road, European nations may regress to wars against each other, as was most of their common history, so you can disagree with him, but his thinking goes along those lines.

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