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The Love “Misfits” – Ascension And Healing For Indigo And Crystal Souls

Sunday, March 26, 2017 19:25
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by Kalayna Colibri;

I come from a thing called “Gen Y”. I feel this name is apt, because myself and those in my age group ask the question “why” an awful lot! I’m not sure when exactly I started asking this question, but I’m sure I was pretty young at the time, maybe even just learning to talk…

My sense is that we’re supposed to be the generation who does this asking questions thing, or at least get the ball rolling on it. Millennials have the chance to deepen this questioning even further, and so many of them are doing just that. When I see what’s going on with them and how they’re often marginalized by older/other generations, I get why they would be. They, and those of my generation too, are meant to be game-changers. Many of them feel drawn to activism, veganism, community, and/or just generally making different choices than anyone who came before them, with a deep knowing inside them that the systems in place now NEED to shift and change.


Early in my “seeking”years, which really began around age 14, I was labelled as an “Indigo” because of my age, my determination, my desire to share my soul gifts, and the things I was passionate about. I did really identify with this label for a long time, as it explained a lot about me and actually helped me understand myself a bit better.
These days though, as I go inside and heal more and more, I feel a more crystalline essence coming through that is transmuting my passion into compassion, my anger into understanding, and my entitlement around sharing my soul gifts or having what I want, into patient gratitude and trust. Through working with inner-punishers and learning to love them, I’m finding that my judgments toward self and others is shifting into healthy discernment with love, helping to keep me from going back into the same frustration loops, that were only ever about making myself suffer anyways.

There is much shadow to be worked in the archetype of the Indigo, it feels like to me, at least in the way that most of us have related to it up to now, and ascension is the perfect way to bring that all to light for each of us.

I stand aligned with Mother Gaia in heart, soul and body and have felt that I am more deeply impassioned and aware of issues regarding her stewardship than some others, which is another trait we as Indigos and Crystals seem to commonly share.

In meditation the other day, I connected with Mother Gaia and felt deep tears as she held me with her love, reminding aspects of my soul that worry about her, that she is okay and can take care of herself, ultimately. I feel her inviting us all into a space of feeling love with her in mutual care and reverence, and that all of the anger we have put out towards those who exploit her resources has actually been a negative output of energy that has been more warrior-like than necessary, even while standing in peaceful protest.

She does not need an army, but she does need and desire for us to remember the love that we are and are here to offer as we ascend with her and help others do the same. Many of us have forgotten our true power and where it comes from, and have needed to do this for a reason. However, we all have much power to reclaim now and we have SO much support being offered to us to do so, even from Gaia herself! If you would like to try reuniting with Mother Gaia yourself, I created a meditation for helping you do just that:

Coming into this life as Indigos, Crystals, Rainbows, Starseeds (or a little bit of everything, as it feels like we could be many of these at once), means we have come in to remember who we are and find our way back to the power and powerS we have always had access to in our home frequencies.

So much in 3D reality has densified life with our permission, but we do have the choice to start lovingly recognizing this and pushing against it like a springboard. It’s my sense of it, that if this tweaks you, there is some seed inside of you that needs some love-watering and some wounding that needs to be felt and healed so that you can remember more of who you ARE. I don’t think that any of us were ever meant to remain in a long healing process, as we have the innate capacity to heal deeply in short periods of time whenever necessary. There is definitely pain to move through together though, and we aren’t meant to do it alone.

If this lands in you, it may be that I am meant to serve you. If I am, there is so much heart ground I look forward to navigating with you as we work together to help you remember what you are here to remember! Regardless of the path you choose for your healing and growth, know that your soul and heart capacities are being seen and felt, and that your soul purpose will not go on without you, even and especially while you take time for YOU, to go inside, heal your heart, and express fully from that beautiful place you’re now re-discovering and uncovering!

About the author: Kalayna is an indigo-crystal bridge, energy healer, writer, poetess, and facilitator/teacher of the SoulFullHeart Way Of Life. Visit for more information about sessions, online group calls and circles, community, videos, and more.

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