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The Peach Colored Beings

Friday, March 24, 2017 9:19
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orangesby Soren Dreier

The world or the realm of nature spirits is very interesting.
I have touched upon this before in the astral posts and others. Most of the nature spirits live in the realms of the etheric which means they have a higher vibe or frequency than the beings in the realms of the astral.

Before Christmas I moved into the countryside surrounded by almond, orange, mango and avocado fields with the soil abundantly covered in wild oregano and lavender in safe distance from drunken Brits and pumped up Norwegians.

The almond trees were the first to blossom and this is where I first spotted them. They are very playful and very much attracted to scents. They feed on scent; it is their food, which makes perfect sense, since scents take on a higher potency in the etheric.

The peach colored beings are a bit chubby, about half a meter high, and they move very swiftly through physical matter such as the trees. Their job is to enhance the growing and remove astral parasites such as the Shadow People. Since the astral is denser than the etheric the Peach People have no difficulties in cleaning out trees and fields from the influence of the Shadow People, which I will touch upon in another post. The Astral come out in the wintertime, the Peach People come out in the spring, so all good.

It’s the first time I have encountered the Peach Colored People so my guess is that they are Mediterranean. In northern Europe, they are reddish and in New Zealand they have stripes and are pear shaped and quite tall. So, geographical differences.

The morning time is spent with playfulness and occasional spooking of the Astrals, and they seem to have no concerns in this world. Their attitude of playfulness functions well with the more static joy of the trees they are there to support, mend, and cherish. They come in groups, often in family groups. They argue and they fall in love, so it’s quite entertaining to watch. But in order to do that we have to get close to them and of course be able to sense them.

Sometimes, mostly in the start, I saw them with my inner eye. When they felt safe with me they strengthened their density a bit so I could watch them with my physical eye, mostly in the peripheral vision. Many think we see nonphysical entities by looking directly at them. That is true for many, but such beings are often from the realms of the astral, such as ghosts and dense spirits and often nothing in those realms is good news.

The angelic beings, which I have touched on before, we can often see in our focus, because they understand that they must lower their frequency in order for us to see them directly. I often see them hovering the skies.

I have a favorite spot in the garden. It’s a wee corner with a tremendous view down a steep canyon. On the side of it oranges grow and they are in late bloom now. When they were blooming in all their glory they created a scent that is Celestial in its energy. Since I often stand there or bring a chair and sit for a bit, I took notice of the flowers when they first appeared, not blossomed out yet, but the air had a certain sweetness to it. Not by scent, but by frequencies. When I got there, my perspective would shift from the mundane tasks or contemplations to a kind of tranquil peace and into a state of deep calm. In this state of deep calm, I started to engage with the Peach People instead of just seeing them or observing them.

They would approach me with great caution, sort of like if I try to connect to the birds that gather in the Cypress trees. They were a bit nervous by my presence, and then accepted it on the note of harmlessness. A state of Harmlessness, is the best way to attract the non-biological or the biological. After this comes the same awe of nature as they have, and they seem to pick you up as a fellow being. They will show you trust.

One very special moment occurred. It has been a bit chilly this spring and very rainy. They like the chilly as little as I do, but they love the rain. It makes them happy on account of the rain is just what the trees need. The spring winds here can get brutal due to the difference in temperature between the mountain tops 10 kilometers north of here and the warm of Africa 8 km south of here.

It shifted into five days of going from 14 to 32 dg., so basically winter changed to summer overnight and that really sparked off the scents from all of the oregano, lavender and orange blossoms. The south of Spain has a very specific smell all year, in the summer it’s very overwhelming. When I´m not here – I long for the scent of Andalusia.

On the first day of The Lady of The Summer’s visit, even though it turned out to be very brief, I went for my usual ‘in awe of it all’ moment at my favorite spot well behind the house. I was struck by the scent of the orange flowers now in full bloom overnight. It was nothing less than very seductive and intoxicating and I had to sit – couldn’t stand. Which usually means that I lose my grounding. I don’t mind as long as I know the source of it.

I pulled the scent deep down into my lungs and I instantly felt the healing. I had the aftermath of a pneumonia, which I picked up in Scandinavia a couple of weeks before, and I felt I could breathe in deeply again without any coughing. So obviously, this was healing by nature.

Apart from that physical issue, I felt the scent ‘working’ in my etheric body and I went into a trance state, partly induced by the scent and partly induced by willpower. I surrendered and I watched them all over the ground and in the trees. They had the same kind of awe and they were in ecstasy. Think about a weedy café in Amsterdam and you have the picture. They were giggling, they were playing and they were all over me.

A couple stood beside me and pulled my hair. They don’t have hair themselves, so I guess I was the freak show of the day. They have high pitched voices and their spoken language is a variety of high pitch vocals, no consonants. It sounds very childish and limited to maybe 5 different sounds, which makes sense since they would mostly go telepathic with each other and you if they chose to connect.

If you ever cut down a tree in bloom they will scream in high pitch.

This went on for quite some time, I would say an hour, and when I zoned out of it, they had given me the healing needed and a very playful and joyful mind.

I found out, since they showed me a bit of their world, that they hibernate under the roots of the trees and larger flowers during the winter and they emerge again in the early spring. Since Andalusia has an all year blossoming circle for plants, I gathered that the Peach Colored take care of the bigger flowers and trees and leave the winter blossoming, as goes for plants like Bougainvillea’s and Honeysuckle, to the smaller but not inferior devas to guard those.


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