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The Truth About Pope Francis, the Catholic Church and the NWO

Thursday, March 9, 2017 19:11
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Pope  Francis  issues  veiled  warning  about  Donald  Trump:  ‘Populism  is  evil’ – BUT  what  this  poop  doesn’t  tell  you  about  himself  and  the  catholic  church  may   surprise  you!


Pope  Francis  and  the  catholic  church  work  diligently  to  bring  forth  the  New  World  Order  and  its  One  World  Religion.

Who  the  heck  does  this  poop  think  he  is  to condemn  President Trump  and  our  nation?  The  poop  himself  is  guilty  as  heck  for  the  sins  in  his  own  life. 

Pope Francis has warned in an interview with a German newspaper of the dangers of rising populism in western democracies.   

The pope told Die Zeit on Thursday “populism is evil and ends badly as the past century showed.” 

He also said he rejects any kind of ‘cult’ around the papacy and that he’s a normal believer just like everyone else.  (Be sure to watch the videos below that expose the truth about Catholicism.)

Pope Francis defends right of Burma’s Rohingya Muslims to ‘live their faith.’ (BUT Christians can NOT live their faith without the Pope’s condemnation.)

Francis said that, “I don’t see myself as anything special… I’m a sinner, I’m fallible.”  (Also a murderer on record in Argentina, a pedophile, a satanist and war monger)

In the first major interview that Francis has given a German newspaper, the pope was asked whether he experienced moments in which he doubted the existence of God. He responded: “I, too, know moments of emptiness.”

But, he pointed out periods of crisis are also a chance to grow, saying a believer who doesn’t experience that remains “infantile.”

What Pope Francies REALLY Believes



Published on Jul 2, 2015 This is a new video. Some very interesting new heresies are contained in the 4th edition (e.g. he says that not trying to convert others is a ‘virtue’, and much more.). If someone can watch this entire video and still consider Antipope Francis to be a Catholic, then that person has no understanding of the Catholic faith, no belief in the Catholic faith, and is of the Devil – period.
 Pope Calls Jesus and the Bible a LIE!
Published on Nov 3, 2014
The pope has shown his true colors with his latest statements about evolution! In this video I share a Vigilant warning regarding this false prophet! Please share this video! God Bless and STAY VIGILANT !!!
 Full Blown Lucifer Worship at the Vatican
 Lucifer Worship in the Catholic Church
 Pope Francis Has Declared Himself ‘God’
 Pope Francis Declares Himself the Anti-Christ
Published on May 20, 2016
In a shocking interview, Pope Francis likened Jesus Christ to ISIS and said Muslim migrants must breed with Europeans to counter “declining birth rates.”“Today, I don’t think that there is a fear of Islam as such but of ISIS and its war of conquest, which is partly drawn from Islam,” he told French newspaper La Croix. “It is true that the idea of conquest is inherent in the soul of Islam, however, it is also possible to interpret the objective in Matthew’s Gospel, where Jesus sends his disciples to all nations, in terms of the same idea of conquest.”
Why Francis Must Not Be Considered the Pope
Published on Feb 4, 2014 This is a very important new video. It explains an argument that proves Francis must not be considered the pope, without even proving that Francis is a heretic or has used what would be infallible authority (if he were the true pope) to teach false doctrines. This is an argument Catholics need to understand and emphasize in bringing people to the true faith and a correct position on this issue. This video also covers a number of extremely noteworthy statements in Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium.
 The Scary Truth About the Catholic Church
The Video the Vatican Doesn’t Want You to See
Published on Nov 9, 2015
A public enthronement of Satan occurred September 26, 2015. Malachi Martin had said that the last Pontiff would be under the control of Satanic forces. According to Malachi Martin, a private enthronement of Satan was completed at the Vatican in 1963, when a group of Luciferian bishops and cardinals came together and venerated Satan in the Vatican. Another ceremony venerating Satan took place on the same day in the United States, and Martin claims these ceremonies were conducted together on purpose. Martin, who was murdered, also gave clues that a public enthronement would take place at some point, as well as the fact that the last pope would be under the direct control of Satan. I suspected something might be coming during this time period (September 22-28, 2015) in which Prometheus (Lucifer) would be unveiled in some way. This happened right in front of our faces.
of One World Religion on September 23 2016?
Published on Aug 21, 2016
Please note: This video is not meant to set a date, but to point out that an ecumenical gathering, one of the largest and longest between the three monotheist faiths, will happen from September 4-23, 2016. This appears to coincide with the Arch of Triumph, which will be erected in New York City from approximately September 11-26, 2016. Also, there is debate about when John the XXIII prayed for Vatican II. Some historians suggest it was 9/23/1959, which was the first year that John the XXIII introduced Vatican II to the college of cardinals. Others suggest it was 9/23/1962, just before Vatican II opened. However, this was the same day that John XXIII received his cancer diagnosis. A historian documented that John XXIII prayed at the tombs of his predecessors on that day, but there is no indication he prayed for Vatican II.

For my ESL friends, here is a rough transcript below.

On September 4-23rd, 2016, a major event will occur in the Old City of Jerusalem. It will bring together actors, artists, musicians, and persons in media from around the world. What on earth are they planning to do in Jerusalem at an event that ends on September 23rd, that will bring together celebrities and public figures?
Leaders from Roman Catholic, Muslim, and Jewish communities will gather for one of the largest and longest interfaith services in world history, right in the old city of Jerusalem. The service will combine the three monotheistic faiths under one roof in a house of worship for all believers. One part of the event will occur from September 5-11 and will bring together Jew, Muslim, and Christian under “a passion for Jerusalem in which they will co-exist temporarily under the wings of the Almighty.”
Another part will occur from September 12 through the 23. The leaders of this event, called Mekudeshet, will perform an 11 day consecration. This is not good and may signal the beginning of the One World religion that Pope Francis has been working so hard to achieve in 2016.
The Vatican is one of the chief proponents of the ecumenical movement around the world and in Israel. For the past three years, Pope Francis has worked tirelessly toward a new world religion, in which all denominations are brought together as one. If you look at Francis’ outreach over the past three years and specifically in 2016, you’ll find somebody who has openly condemned evangelical Christianity and a belief that you must have a personal relationship with Jesus. In fact, Francis equated the spread of the gospel under evangelical Christianity to Jihadism and called a personal relationship with Jesus dangerous.
The extent of Francis’ outreach to other denominations and religion in 2016 has been mind boggling. In February, Francis held an emergency meeting with Patriarch Kirill of Russia for the first time since the 1054 schism. Francis has also reached out to Patriarch Batholomew of Turkey, in which both leaders voiced support for migrants and called for more migrants to enter Europe. In May, Francis met with Al-Azhar of Egypt, who is the head of Sunni Islam. In January 2016, Francis name the third pontiff to visit Rome’s major synagogue. In June, he outreached to the Armenians.
In July, Francis was the driving force behind a ceremony in the U.S. called Together, organized to bring all Christians in front of the 6660 inch obelisk, the phallus of Osiris, for worship. One of the major symbols we saw for the together 2016 event was the ouroboros, or the serpent eating it’s own tail. The earliest legend of the ouroboros is associated with Osiris and his son, Ra. The Ouroboros is a highly occult symbol signifying the end of an aeon, or the end of time. In occultism, the end of one aeon usually results in a reset brought about by some cataclysmic event. In this case, the ouroboros represents the return of Osiris to inhabit his Temple on earth. The fact that this symbol was put on full display throughout Francis together 2016 is very demonic.
Just recently, Francis has used death of one of his priests in France to invite Muslims into Christian cathedrals and churches for worship.
When Francis came to America last September, we saw a major push toward full ecumenism. What you may not know is that Francis itinerary which started on September 23, 2015 is the product of what happened on September 23, 1959, when Pope John 23rd prayed for the start of Vatican II. Pope Francis is truly preparing that new faith, right now, for all to become a part of.
Pope Francis Declares Lucifer as God 2
5 Dirty Secrets of the Catholic Church
The Catholic Church has been and continues to be one of the most powerful organizations on the planet. Discover the darker sides of the Church as SUPERLATIVES takes a look at 10 of the Darkest and Deepest Secrets Of The Catholic Church Thank you!

FACT #1 – 0:05 : Castrati

FACT #2 – 2:16 : Priest Controversy 
FACT #3 – 4:23 : Francisco Franco & The 300,000 Lost Children of Spain
FACT #4 – 6:04 : Axed Nun
FACT #5 – 8:29 : Women Asylums

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