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(N.Morgan) News just broke that the former Chase Manhattan Chief Executive David Rockefeller has died at the age of 101.
The elitist, who had an estimated fortune of $3 billion, retired as head of Chase Manhattan in 1981 after a 35-year career.
In the statement from the The Rockefeller Foundation confirming his death, Rockefeller was described as “one of the most influential figures in the history of American philanthropy and finance, considered by many to be ‘America’s last great international business statesman’.”
Rockefeller, also known as ‘the banker’s banker’, according to the statement, is said to have donated almost $2 billion over his lifetime to various institutions including Rockefeller University, Harvard University and art museum.
David was the youngest of six children born to John D. Rockefeller Jr. and the grandson of Standard Oil co-founder John D. Rockefeller.
Rockefeller graduated from Harvard in 1936 and received a doctorate in economics from the University of Chicago in 1940. Appointed president of Chase Manhattan in 1961, he became chairman and CEO eight years later.
Rockefeller often spoke about the importance of American capitalism, which he said “brought more benefits to more people than any other system in any part of the world at any time in history.”
“The problem is to see that the system is run as efficiently and as honestly as it can be,” he added.
His evil legacy is still alive,safe and prosperous.
Is he really dead? These people seem to live forever!
I know what you mean.
Henry Kissinger was an old man when I was a teenager.
I am now almost 70.
That dude must be well over a hundred.
Only the good die young.
He will be 94 in a couple of months,but he will still bite the dust.
Guess he didn’t sacrifice enough “innocents” or drink enough “blood” to go farther. I will have a stiff drink to celebrate the death of the POS.
Rip Rockefeller………….ROT in PERPETUITY
His soul will return, but he may not be too happy as to what body and circumstance he has returned to.
Karma is a bitch!
Pray for forgiveness. You are wicked! Jesus is all the way.
No karma, that is fake religion!
I wonder how he is faring in hell right now. Satan and all his minions no longer have any use for him so now he will find out hopelessness and agony of the fiery lake. One down and HOW MANY
Praise the Lord God Almighty. He does respond to prayer. I have been praying for his death this since the early 1990′s. That not long after he made his infamous statement in Baden Baden, Germany at a Bilderberger meeting, he expressed his pride of his actions, that the news media kept quiet his plans to push world Globalism over America’s best interest.
Hello Angle#3,
Charlie here. Personally, I don’t really believe in this “‘elitist” crap too much. They are just men that have to crap like you and I have too.
They sweat and stink, they need to eat. They can easily die. Not a big deal. And I don’t know why people make a big deal out of it. Maybe it is envy??
Charlie (I don’t know about you but I’d rather be eating a doughnut)
did anyone see this but me? Bible codes predict death of Rockefeller:
also, a parting shot to this person who has come to his just judgement in the afterlife (and may God have mercy):
I worked with a former technician who worked with the guy that took Rockefeller around south vietnam during his visits there before the war got really hot in 1965. They worked together at on of the Rockefeller family’s refineries down here on the gulf coast. David R. got this man his job there after he got done with the military out of gratitude for all the assistance given in vietnam. The fellow had no technical training or background that would qualify him to hold his position, other than a phone call to the plant HR manager from David R. telling them to hire him. The technician acted as tour guide, body guard, liason with the us military, and confidant during David R’s vietnam trips.
Rockefeller’s main interest apparently during the trips was to research the rich resources of oil and gas off the south vietnam coast in the south china sea. The proven reserves there are as much as in arabia, kuwait, & iraq put together. The fields are shallow and easily developed.
It wasn’t long after the trip to vietnam that going into full war mode became the main agenda of Johnson & Congress. They were tasked with the job of securing the petroleum resources under the south china sea as an asset for the US by propping up and securing south vietnam. If you want to understand any of the wars or military actions of the US since Korea, follow the money. (Some say this all started at Antietam, but that’s for the historians to judge).
I have no question in my mind that David R. (with the complicity and assistance of his Bilderberger buddies and the M.I. Complex lobby) ordered the vietnam war. Huge amounts of money were transferred to the military industrial complex suppliers. The country was taken off the silver standard so that Congress could pay for everything with inflated fiat paper money. A lot of good people died on both sides, and for what? This was all about money and petroleum, not stopping communism. The republic will never recover from the damage that awful war caused.
A question for you, David: was it worth it, given the eternal consequences you have so bought to yourself, your family, your bilderberger pals, and all your wealthy friends in the military industrial complex? Where is all that advantage, power, and money now?