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Tolerant Leftists Laugh As Elderly Man Is Pepper-Sprayed And Trump Supporters Are Attacked

Monday, March 6, 2017 18:43
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(Before It's News)

We often hear that it’s right-wing conservatives who engage in in brutality based on race, religion and political ideology.

But as you’ll see below, the reality is that supporters at Pro-Trump rallies nationwide have been the ones getting jeered at, punched, beaten, and pepper sprayed for these very reasons.

Tolerance, it seems, is a one way street for leftists, socialists and communists.

If they could get away with it, we’re pretty sure they would hurt your kids too:

Counter-protesters who labeled themselves “anti-fascists” ironically stole signs from Trump supporters and burned them:

This elderly man was suddenly attacked with pepper spray. The cowardly assailant ran off immediately after the attack:

Hattip Twitchy

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