The blood will still be on “the Don’s” hands regardless. We (some…not me or any aware of what is going on behind the scenes) have been duped into voting for this clown…he no different and is follow orders from the Jesuit run NWO elites just like the last president….and the other puppets before him. There is a plan ….it is a game…and I believe it is about to culminate with a lot of death and destruction. The drones will eventually be used on those that refuse to believe their pack of lies and quit putting the harmful mind altering substances into their body like GMOs, Vaccines, Toxic water, Toxic tv, Pharma, electromagnetic gadgets that cause cancer…and all of the other Satan inspired things that most don’t even know is killing them. WAKE UP before it is too late….Please…Wake up.
The blood will still be on “the Don’s” hands regardless. We (some…not me or any aware of what is going on behind the scenes) have been duped into voting for this clown…he no different and is follow orders from the Jesuit run NWO elites just like the last president….and the other puppets before him. There is a plan ….it is a game…and I believe it is about to culminate with a lot of death and destruction. The drones will eventually be used on those that refuse to believe their pack of lies and quit putting the harmful mind altering substances into their body like GMOs, Vaccines, Toxic water, Toxic tv, Pharma, electromagnetic gadgets that cause cancer…and all of the other Satan inspired things that most don’t even know is killing them. WAKE UP before it is too late….Please…Wake up.
Even if I agree with you (and I do)…
Don’t take this the wrong way, but the system and the drones reliant on it don’t seemingly care what you have to say.
I’m not even sure it’s worth talking to them at all.