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What You Resist Persists

Tuesday, March 7, 2017 0:27
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quoteThis timeless axiom inspired by The Law of Attraction is worth revisiting often because it is so important.  Resistance to “WHAT IS” is one of the most common traps that people fall into that is causing both; (A) present moment unhappiness, and (B) attracting more unpleasant and undesired situations, of a similar nature, into their lives in the future — essentially sabotaging themselves.

This axiom is related to one of the key Law of Attraction Pearls of Wisdom that I’ve written about before — Focus on what you want, not what you don’t want“What you resist persists” is just another way of saying “Don’t focus on what you don’t want.”  Because when you are resisting things you don’t like that’s EXACTLY what you are doing — FOCUSING on what you DON’T WANT!  If you realized how counter-productive fighting against situations that aren’t going your way is, you’d be appalled and cease the habit immediately.  It might not be too much of an exaggeration to say “Resistance is Futile!”

To resist something is to oppose it, or push against it, to try to force it to something other than it is.  When you put your focus on fighting, or struggling against an unwanted situation in your life, be it work, debt, ill-health, something painful in your past, a difficult relationship, or whatever what you are effectively saying to the Universe is GIVE ME MORE OF THIS — because that’s the way the Law of Attraction works!  It always gives you more of what you focus on.

There are many unwanted situations that arise in our daily lives.  Thankfully, most are minor.  How we perceive and respond to these little, or not so little, undesired circumstances can make all the difference in the world in the experience we create for ourselves and others involved. Most people, to varying degrees, fight or resist circumstances like these, allowing themselves to become frustrated, annoyed, impatient, indignant, or even mad — often accompanied by complaining and blaming.  And of course, this only serves to create a less wonderful and more unpleasant experience for themselves and everyone involved.

You know when you are resisting something — your mind festers on the situation or subject, and you feel frustrated, annoyed, and unhappy.  And it is often accompanied by complaining and blaming, and bitching and moaning.  It might be a person who is thwarting your plans, or a circumstance that is counter to your expected or desired outcome, or a policy that you think is wrong or is hindering you — you name it.  There are endless variations at every level — from personal to collective, and from minor to major.

Why Is Resistance So Counter-productive?

Not only does resisting WHAT IS lead to unhappiness in the present moment but, by The Law of Attraction, it also makes it more likely that the undesired situation will continue and similar undesirable circumstances will occur in the future!  Resistance is one of the habits that is unknowingly sabotaging many people’s happiness and greatly contributing to their miscreations — keeping undesirable experiences in their life.

The Law of Attraction states that what you focus on, think about, and invest emotional energy towards is what you will attract into your life.  And when you are resisting something that’s exactly what you are doing — intensely thinking about and focusing on, usually with strong emotions, the thing you are resisting!  Which means you are very likely to get more of that very thing — which is by definition something you don’t like or want!

It’s OK to notice what you don’t want because it provides the contrast that allows you to recognize what you do want.  Notice stuff you don’t want for an instant and then choose what you DO WANT and put your attention on that and only on that.

Here’s a quote, from the highly recommended book The Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham, that dramatically illustrates the point made above.


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