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You Do Not Need To Buy Diabetes Medications. Prepare It Yourself With Only Two Ingredients!

Friday, March 10, 2017 20:42
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(Before It's News)

by Family Health Freedom Network

Instead of taking prescription drugs for diabetes that are filled with chemicals and cause more harm than good, you should try the following natural remedy which will help you cure diabetes in no time. The best part is that it only requires 2 ingredients for its preparation that you already have in your kitchen.



  • 300 grams of celery
  • 6 lemons


Make sure to wash the celery thoroughly before grating it. After that, put it in a pot and add the lemon juice. Cover the pot and put it into another pot full of water. Make sure to boil the water in the large pot until its boiling point and then reduce the heat. Simmer the mixture at a low temperature for 2 hours.

After that, remove the pots from the stove and allow the mixture to cool down without opening the pot. In the end, store the mixture into a glass jar, close it tightly and store it in the fridge.

You should take one tbsp of this miraculous remedy every morning half an hour before breakfast. This dosage is enough for 2 months. This remedy will help you normalize your blood sugar levels very soon.

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