(Before It's News)

By Anna Von Reitz
Everything has a logic. Rain falls down, not up. Fire can warm your house or burn it down.
In this country, we have two kinds of government. We have the de facto government — Federal/Territorial/Municipal —- that is hired to provide stipulated services. We have the de jure government which, if we have a brain in our heads, we serve and cherish as our means to direct and control the de facto. That’s the way it is and the only other option is insurrection.
Some time ago I separated myself and my Living Law team from Bruce Doucette and Michael R. Hamilton and “Judge Micky” and various others who started out with the goal of restoring the lawful de jure government, but then, went off track.
This is not my first rodeo and not the first time I have had to do this. Patriot leaders and the groups they establish regularly become convinced that rain falls up and fire doesn’t burn.
Now I hear that Bruce Doucette and several others have been arrested and are facing sixteen felony counts. There will probably be more arrests to come.
You can live under the Statutory Law or you can live under the Public Law. You can sail on the sea or stand on the land—- and that’s ultimately your choice. What you can’t do is willfully wobble around in between and just make things up as you go.
You are either a United States citizen or a non-citizen national— and whichever it is, you have to obey the laws and take the lumps that go with that political status.
Fish or fowl.
Here’s an example: you can’t claim with one breath to be a Colorado State Judge and with the next breath claim that you have authority as a judge in Oregon, too. It doesn’t work that way. Land jurisdiction offices are tied to the land and have strict geographic boundaries.
I have explained that fact hundreds of times, but it just went in one ear and out the other with some people. They kept on claiming to have authorities here, there, and everywhere.
I had one woman tell me she was a “United States Justice of America”— a totally made-up name for a non-existent office, yet she insisted that she had universal authority in all fifty states and she wanted a badge to prove it, too.
Yes, Virginia, there really are wing-nuts out there. And they are dangerous. They are dangerous in and of themselves, because they do crazy things and make crazy claims of power and authority based on thin air, but more importantly, they are dangerous because they mislead other people.
There are a lot of disgruntled, unhappy Americans out here in the trenches and many have righteous complaints; unfortunately, we’ve also been dumbed down and kept ignorant so that most people don’t know how their government is supposed to work and some won’t take the time and make the effort to learn, much less implement it.
They want to go out and do their own thing. Damn the torpedoes. Damn the law. Damn the limitations of old, outmoded public offices. We are the people, we can do whatever we want! …..And so on.
Inevitably, such people come to the attention of the FBI and other agencies and just as inevitably they get arrested— because what they are doing and encouraging others to do, is wrong.
Left to the mercy of such leaders we could wind up with the Glory Rangers of America at our door, parading around and lording it over the rest of us with no rhyme or reason to anything.
Once you leave the tracks our Forefathers built, it’s too easy to devolve into a world of Simon Says or Bruce Says or Anna Says, a world in which there are no rules beyond raw power, and no law but public sentiment.
That’s why, even though I am saddened by this turn of events, I am relieved also. All an insurrection does is harm innocent people on both sides of the fence.
So, let me refocus everyone on the actual job at hand and the step-by-step process:
Getting your own political status cleaned up is Job One.
Getting your local county jural assembly together is Job Two.
Getting your local unincorporated county government up and fully functioning is Job Three.
After that, your counties will form your land jurisdiction states.
Your states will then be enabled to call a land jurisdiction Continental Congress together.
And whatever changes need to be made in our relationship with the hired government can be made via peaceful and agreed upon processes.
To assist you in getting your local county jural assembly up and on its feet, the Michigan General Jural Assembly is hosting a Thursday night call, nine o’clock p.m., EST, 1-712-770-4170, access code 226823#, and they also offer help through their website at http://1stmichiganassembly.info.
Please bear in mind that every state and every county in this country is unique. That’s part of the beauty and the strength of our country, but it also means that you have to do your own homework. There is a Handbook that shares the process that Michigan went through, but it isn’t a template per se, because all 3100 counties are different and all 50 states are different.
If you want to be free, come prepared to do some real work.
See this article and over 500 others on Anna’s website here:www.annavonreitz.com
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