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‘Black Sails’ – On Darkness and the Unwanted

Wednesday, April 5, 2017 11:03
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by Soren Dreier


‘They paint their world full of shadows and then they tell their children to stay close to the light.
Their Light. Their reasons, Their judgments.
Because in the darkness there be dragons. But it isn’t true. We can prove that it isn’t true.
In the ‘dark’, there is discovery, there is possibility, there is freedom in the dark
once someone has illuminated it.’

The Unwanted:

‘What’s to be done with the unwanted ones?
The men who do not fit, whom Civilization must prune from the vine to protect its sense of itself.
Every culture since early antiquity has survived this way, defining itself by the things it excludes.
So long as there is progress, there will always be ‘human debris’ in its wake, on the outside looking in.
And sooner or later, one must answer the question: What becomes of them?
In Society (London) the solution is to call them criminals.
To throw them in a deep, dark hole and hope it never runs over.
I would argue that justice demands we do better than that.’


© 2017 Black Sails, final episode, final season / Soren Dreier

Related: ‘Black Sails’ & Concepts of Spiritual Warfare

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