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Cui Bono: “Who Benefits?”…..Israel ‘main beneficiary’ of Syria gas attack allegations

Friday, April 7, 2017 1:50
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Cui Bono: “Who Benefits?”…..Israel

‘main beneficiary’ of Syria gas attack



Syria: Israel ‘main beneficiary’ of gas attack


Foreign Minister Muallem denies Syria used chemical weapons in Idlib bombing, points finger at local al-Qaeda affiliate

By AFP April 6, 2017, 2:52 pm
A Syrian man collects samples from the site of a suspected toxic gas attack in Khan Sheikhoun, in Syria's northwestern Idlib province, on April 5, 2017. (AFP/Omar Haj Kadour)

A Syrian man collects samples from the site of a suspected toxic gas attack in Khan Sheikhoun, in Syria’s northwestern Idlib province, on April 5, 2017. (AFP/Omar Haj Kadour)

Israel is the “main beneficiary” of allegations that the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad was behind the deadly chemical weapons attack, Syria’s foreign minister said Thursday.

Walid Muallem said that Syria’s armed forces “did not and will not” use chemical weapons, even against jihadist groups.

“I stress to you once again: the Syrian army has not, did not and will not use this kind of weapons — not just against our own people, but even against the terrorists that attack our civilians with their mortar rounds,” he said.

Muallem spoke at a press conference in Damascus two days after a suspected chemical attack left at least 86 people dead in the rebel-held town of Khan Sheikhoun in northwestern Syria.

The deaths have sparked international outrage with many pointing the finger at the government of Syrian President Bashar Assad, but Muallem cast doubt on the evidence.

This photo provided Tuesday, April 4, 2017 by the Syrian anti-government activist group Edlib Media Center, which has been authenticated based on its contents and other AP reporting, shows victims of a suspected chemical attack, in the town of Khan Sheikhoun, northern Idlib province, Syria. (Edlib Media Center, via AP)

This photo provided Tuesday, April 4, 2017 by the Syrian anti-government activist group Edlib Media Center, which has been authenticated based on its contents and other AP reporting, shows victims of a suspected chemical attack, in the town of Khan Sheikhoun, northern Idlib province, Syria. (Edlib Media Center, via AP)

“The first air raid conducted by the Syrian army was at 11:30 am on that day (Tuesday) and it attacked an arms depot belonging to al-Nusra Front that contained chemical weapons,” he said.

Al-Nusra — now known as Fateh al-Sham Front — is al-Qaeda’s Syria affiliate and is the main jihadist rival of the Islamic State group.

“Al-Nusra Front and ISIS (IS) and other organizations continue to store chemical weapons in urban and residential areas,” Muallem added.

Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem speaks during a press conference, Damascus, Syria, March 12, 2016. (AFP/Louai Behsara)

Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem speaks during a press conference, Damascus, Syria, March 12, 2016. (AFP/Louai Behsara)

The Syrian army denied on Tuesday that it had used chemical weapons against Khan Sheikhoun, and Damascus ally Moscow said “toxic substances” may have been released when the army struck a “terrorist warehouse.”

The United Nations Commission of Inquiry on Syria and the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) both said they were investigating the attack.

And Britain, France and the United States have drafted a UN resolution that would demand Syria provide information on its flight operations as part of an OPCW probe.

 A Syrian medic runs for cover during the air strikes which hit a hospital in Khan Sheikhoun, a rebel-held town in the northwestern Syrian Idlib province, on April 4, 2017. (AFP Photo/Omar Haj Kadour)

A Syrian medic runs for cover during the airstrikes that hit a hospital in Khan Sheikhoun, a rebel-held town in the northwestern Syrian Idlib province, on April 4, 2017. (AFP Photo/Omar Haj Kadour)

On Thursday, Muallem said such an investigation “must guarantee that it is not politicized, that it has broad geographic representation and that it is launched from Damascus, not Turkey.”

“We provide the OPCW and the UN with intelligence on the transfer of chemical substances from Iraq and into Syria, or from Turkey into Syria, but an investigation is for the OPCW,” he said.

The Kremlin on Thursday said that US allegations that Syrian forces carried out the chemical attack are not based on “objective” information.

“We consider a much more measured approach necessary and do not think it is possible to surrender oneself to hasty conclusions about what happened in Syria in the Idlib province,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters.

“It was really a threatening development of events, very dangerous and a monstrous crime,” he said, referring to the incident.

“No one could have any realistic, verified information. Any data that the American side or our colleagues in other countries could have cannot be based on objective materials or evidence.”

AP contributed to this report.



‘Rebels, not Assad, benefit from Idlib chemical

weapons attack’




Published on Apr 5, 2017

The Syrian government was quickly blamed by the West after the opposition-controlled Idlib region saw a chemical attack that reportedly killed dozens of civilians. However, a UK security analyst told RT the rebels were the only force that benefited from the incident.


Syrian FM responds to gassing allegations “Israel

benefits” [English]



Published on Apr 6, 2017

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1. Syria: ‘IS and terrorist groups behind chemical attack’ – FM Muallem:…


Did Assad Gas civilians in Idlib The Truth! mirror





Published on Apr 5, 2017

THINK FELLOW ADULTS…. WHO DOES THIS BENEFIT???? WHO DOES IT HURT???? it hurts assad and Russia, and it gives to some people a reason for war….. what a psyop manipulation and that’s all the MSM is pushing……

Published on Apr 5, 2017
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1. Suspected gas attack in Syria reportedly kills dozens:

2. Syria: NOT A Revolution! (+18):

3. White Helmets terrorist links fully Exposed [Graphic!] (Tapestry of Terror mirror):

4. UN’s Carla Del Ponte Stupefied By Syrian Opposition Sarin Use:

5. Did Syrian rebel group have sarin?:

6. Sarin materials brought via Turkey & mixed in Syrian ISIS camps – Turkish MP to RT:

7. Syria hands over evidence of mustard gas attack by rebels on civilians to OPCW:

8. False Flag Chemical Attack in Syria?:



The below videos are not meant to imply that these

“were” the delivery methods for the latest gas

attacks. These videos demonstrate that the rebels

do have the means and where with all to deliver

chemical payloads.  I do believe that somewhere in

this article it is stated that it is possible that the

chemicals could have possibly been released when

a rebel munition storage facility was targeted.


Deja Bu – Evidence Mounts Syrian WMD Attack Was

False Flag

John Donne

John Donne

Apr 6, 2017 (video contains footage from past years)

Published on Apr 6, 2017

Rebels……not Assad, benefit from Idlib chemical weapons attack.


Syrian Gas Attack Aug 27, 2013


Gordon Duff

Gordon Duff
Published on Aug 27, 2013


Quad Barrel Cannon Used Against Syrian Forces

World Conflict Films

World Conflict Films

Published on Apr 3, 2015

Sham Front employs a four barreled, improvised cannon against a Syrian military base in Paschkoa


Syria – Meet The Hell Cannon, The Free Syrian Army’s Homemade Howitzer

War in Images

War in Images


Published on May 10, 2015

In a place where heavy weaponry is scarce, yet war against a fairly well armed government has raged for years, there are bound to be some ingenious improvised arms.

In embattled Syrian cities, beyond small arms such as Ak-47s and light machine guns, much of what Syrian rebels fight with is homemade in nature. These include basement manufactured mortar rounds, rockets and artillery shells. Improvised methods of delivering these indirect fire projectiles is also nothing new to the Syrian conflict.

Not long after hostilities broke out, some fairly crude standoff explosive delivery methods began appearing, many of which were based on bombardment concepts from medieval times. The grenade chucking slingshot, the improvised explosive hurtling catapult and the classic Molotov cocktail fire bomb have all become front-line arms in Syria’s near total war. Even crudely fashioned armored personnel carriers have shown up on the Syrian battlefield, some of them complete with a remote controlled machine gun turret directed by a PlayStation controller. Yet none of these do-it-yourself weapons have had the gravitas of the Free Syrian Army’s ‘Hell Cannon.’

The Hell Cannon is a towed, projectile launcher, that is roughly similar in dimensions to the US built 105mm M101A1 Howitzer. It can launch a plethora of improvised explosive projectiles, but its main ammunition of choice (or of necessity?) is a highly modified propane gas cylinder, complete with stabilizing fins and filled with a crude explosive mixture.

The range of the Hell Cannon is said to top out around a mile depending on the payload it is firing. Hell Cannons also feature a pair of rails for small Qassam-like rockets to be fired from in addition to the cannon’s aforementioned primay and much larger ammunition.

What is interesting about the Hell Cannon is that it has become a source of pride for the organized Syrian resistance fighters who use it, with a detailed fact sheet and even a video showing these cannons being built under some pretty harsh conditions being posted online. One has to admit, that just the fact that an improvised piece of artillery like this can be put into serial production is impressive under the circumstances.

Seeing how crude the Hell Cannon’s ammunition is, it is a doubtful as to how effective the whole system is beyond a psychological or area bombardment weapon, although precision fire has become an almost totally absent tactic from Syria’s brutal civil war. The very government that the manufacturers of the Hell Cannon are fighting has resorted to even more morally bankrupt tactics and munitions, including firing lumbering Scud missiles that have incredibly poor accuracy and a massive warhead, launching rocket barrages on towns full of civilians, dropping shrapnel filled ‘barrel bombs’ indiscriminately and gassing many of their own people.

For what the Hell Cannon lacks in punch and accuracy, it may make up for in symbolism, as it shows that the Free Syria Army forces are going to great lengths to strike back at the heart of the Assad regime, and sometimes a weapon that people can rally around is more important than its actual effectiveness on the battlefield.

It will be interesting to see how Syrian rebels, armed with these crude weapons, will fair against a rapidly growing ISIS that is now equipped with US military grade combat vehicles and flush with cash from plundering Iraq’s banks and selling seized oil on the black market.

See what are supposedly ISIS fighters using an American Howitzer looted from Iraq stocks:

In the strange and incredibly complex web of allegiances, bitter enemies, power struggles and common foes that lay under the Syrian war’s greater umbrella, it is fairly concerning that more moderate anti-Assad forces may not just have to face Assad’s continuing wrath, but also possibly that of a growing terror super-state that is sitting on billions of dollars and is armed to the teeth.

In which case their Hell Cannon won’t have a chance in hell.

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