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East Ukraine Boiling: To Zaharchenko’s Call for the Mobilization Responded 27,000 People

Thursday, April 6, 2017 12:18
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Around 27,000 people came forward today to call for the mobilization of them by the leader of the Donetsk People’s Republic Aleksandr Zakharchenko.

It’s about men older than 18 years who had gathered at the training ground Saur-Mogila in the Donetsk region, otherwise the scene of one of the bloodiest battles in the Ukrainian civil war, but also in the Second World War.

- Keep mobilization Assembly in order to check our defence potential in case we Ukraine strikes again – said Major General Vladimir Kononov separatist army.

Zakharchenko has issued an order for mobilization since before that said that Ukraine awaits the opportunity to undermine the military DNR agreement from Minsk, which two years ago reached a truce in order to once again attacked the self-proclaimed republic in the east of the country.

- When people ask me how much our army has people respond – two million. If Ukraine again begin combat operations against us, the defense will rise all the inhabitants DNR – said Zakharchenko.
“Russia will be increasingly aggressive in order to be closer to the elections in
2018″ President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko said that with the approach of presidential elections in Russia the situation in crisis regions deteriorate because “Moscow become more and more aggressive,” the agency “Interfax”.

- The Kremlin is preparing for presidential elections and becoming more aggressive in covering their own weaknesses. Russia has changed tactics in the Crimea and the Donbass, raising the role of creating a quasi-state. Russia continues to destabilize Ukraine – said Poroshenko at the 10th Security Forum in Kiev on Tuesday.

According to him, Russia has tried to turn against Poland, Ukraine, starting with the Ukrainian flag burning incident in that country, or that the “friendship of Warsaw and Kiev overcome such provocative attempts”.

Recently, the Polish Foreign Minister Witold Vashchikovski said that “the chances are that Russia will annex Donbas”. He warned that Russia already issuing identity cards and passports, captivates Ukrainian holdings, and isolates the region from the rest of the country.

The minister said that the situation in the Donbass is becoming increasingly difficult, because Russia does not respect the peace agreement signed in Minsk in 2014.

Kiev has lost the last sphere of influence in the Donbas territory that is not under his control during the blockade of the region, said recently the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko at the meeting of the Council of the region.

According to him the result of the blockade is that Ukraine has lost influence on its own territory, while the Ukrainian economy , energy and metallurgy took a hit

… List “Forbes” argued that the Ukrainian president offered no 2015 Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin to “take Donbas” or that the alleged Putin refused.

Poroshenko its offer, according to the sources referred to “Forbes”, explained by the fact that the authorities of Ukraine will not pay retail Donbas pensions and social benefits or to restore the banking system. However, confirmation of “Forbes” stories never gave either Putin nor Poroshenko.


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