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Girl’s Ovaries Destroyed By Gardasil: Merck Did Not Research Effects of Vaccine On Female Reproduction

Friday, April 7, 2017 9:19
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(Before It's News)

gardasil-2by Arjun Walia

“When one looks at the independent literature, so, studies which are not sponsored by the vaccine manufactures . .  with relation to Gardasil, there have been several reports documenting multiple sclerosis and encephalitis, which is brain inflammation, in girls who have received their Gardasil vaccine. So, just because a study sponsored by the manufactures does not identify problems with the vaccine, does not necessarily mean that the vaccine is safe. In fact if one looks at the manufacturer studies, they’re often not designed to detect serious adverse events.” (source)

The quote above comes from Dr. Lucija Tomlinjenovic, a post-doctoral research fellow at the University of British Colombia. She’s published many papers on the efficacy and safety of HPV vaccines.

It’s a great quote to start this article with, because multiple studies have identified the fact that the studies used to approve this vaccine do not look for serious adverse effects. As a result, many young women have experienced drastic and debilitating changes after receiving the HPV vaccine. In rare cases it has even caused death.

One example comes from a study published in the British Medical Journal titled “Premature ovarian failure 3 years after menarche in a 16-year-old girl following human papillomavirus vaccination.” The study highlights an obvious fact, that “preservation of reproductive health is a primary concern in the recipient target group.” It is therefore ironic that the demonstration of ongoing and uncompromised safety for the ovary is, as the study points out, an “urgently required” need. You would think that the vaccine manufactures would look into this before approving it as completely safe. The abstract concludes by stating that “this matter needs to be resolved for the purposes of population health and public vaccine confidence.”

The main case in this study determined that, prior to the shots, the girl had healthy ovaries, and that there were no other identified factors besides Gardasil that could have been involved in her sudden sickness.

Another study conducted two years later by the same author documents three young women who developed premature ovarian insufficiency following quadrivalent human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination presented to a general practitioner in rural New South Wales, Australia.


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