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Jeff Nielson: Relentless Crumbling of Our Economies – Economic Collapse is Quickening (VIDEO)

Thursday, April 6, 2017 8:11
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Jeff Nielson: Relentless Crumbling of Our Economies – Economic Collapse is Quickening (VIDEO) | stock-market | Collapse Economy & Business Multimedia

I have been ask, on more than one occasion, “when will the economy collapse?” My stock answer is as follows: the collapse began December 23, 1913 and through a series of crimes by the banking cartel the pace of collapse continues to quicken. In 2008 the actual collapse took a turn for the worse and has been managed to benefit the oligarchs. The “economic collapse” is not an event but a process; a series of events and those events are becoming more pronounced and punctuated as the days go by.

The only people putting money in the stock markets are the people at the top. There profits must be getting close to the same amount of their capital inflows, so these markets must be close to a top and ready to do their cliff-dive thing. Remember the banking cabal does not care if the market is going up or down, they make profits on both sides of the coin. As the DJIA and S&P 500 are both propped up with a handful of company stocks it is becoming clearer by the day the manipulation has just about run it’s course.

The global economy began fading in 2008 and that marked the beginning of the economic collapse that is happening right now. It is not some distant singular event as the presstitute media will make it out to be just like they did in 2008 when there were plenty of people calling for a collapse in the housing market beginning in 2006 or earlier. The presstitute media will repeat a thousand times over “no one could have seen this coming”. Well, that’s a lie. If I can see it, it is very well known.

China and Russia, especially since Iran was targeted for financial terrorism using the SWIFT system, have been marching away from the world reserve currency, Federal Reserve Note. China, through meetings with the IMF had expressed concern regarding the status of the Federal Reserve Note as early as 2010 with the first issuance of Quantitative Easing (QE) – currency printing by the Federal Reserve. The stated purpose of QE is to manipulate the bond market, the single largest market in the world. The Chinese knew this would cause problems, especially for their economy, with China being the largest holder of U.S. treasury bonds outside the U.S.

Gold and silver have enjoyed a nice upswing in the first quarter of 2017 and we hope you have been doing your part and adding to your financial safety net with physical gold and physical silver. Time seems to be running short to get our preps in order, including our financial preps.

I sat down with Jeff Nielson, Bullion Bulls Canada and Sprott Money, to get his take on the collapsing economy and how the recent announcements by China and Russia pertaining to gold will impact the world. These two countries have been, at times, working hand-in-glove while at the same time developing independent economic and financial systems, both seemingly keeping gold in mind as these systems are developed.

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