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By John Rolls (Reporter)
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Secret Sniper Technique Revealed: Ballistic Loophole Shooting +Video

Friday, April 7, 2017 15:23
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By Brandon Smith  /

First, I brought you a practical method for easily building a ghillie suit which defeats thermal imaging (FLIR).  Now, I’ve decided to create an entire YouTube channel dedicated to equipping the citizenry with advanced means of self defense.

Guerrilla Think Tank is a project created by Brandon Smith of focused specifically on training, tactics and outside the box thinking.  We will study alternative means by which the general liberty-loving public can counter an advanced aggressor with the sometimes meager means at their disposal.  We will also study the psychology behind propaganda and how to recognize it, as well as study geopolitical events around the world and the perhaps unseen influences they can have on the future.   In short, Guerilla Think Tank is about asymmetric thinking and dismantling seemingly insurmountable threats with simple but unique solutions.

My first video teaches the long “secret” method of shooting at any distance through a ballistic loophole; effectively making the shooter invisible to observation.  Be sure to give the video a thumbs-up and subscribe to Guerrilla Think Tank if you liked it:

If you want Alt-Market to produce more videos like this one, please consider sending a donation for our Guerrilla Think Tank fund.  There is a lot more training info on the way that you probably won’t find anywhere else!  Visit our donations page here:

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Total 1 comment
  • How is sniping some unsuspecting target self defence ?

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