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Three Shocking Words Trump Must Tell China’s Xi

Sunday, April 2, 2017 23:51
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(Before It's News)

Chinese President Xi Jinping is visiting President Donald Trump this week at his opulent and beautiful Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida.

Mar-a-Lago, a classically beautiful resort in Palm Beach, Florida. (Mar-a-Lago photo)

Everyone knows this meeting will be tense.  Trump spent most of the election bashing the Chinese for stealing American technology and secrets and being a currency manipulator.  Xi will be expecting this.  What President Trump needs is something completely unexpected that will shock Xi and break the ice.  He also needs to gain the moral high ground, as Trump is a very moral and upright person and believe it or not, Xi can be appealed to on this level.  

These three words will shock Xi:

Falun Dafa Hao!


Pronunciation:  FA-LUN  DA-FA   HOW  !


This literally means Falun Dafa is Good.  Falun Dafa (also called Falun Gong) is a Chinese spiritual practice with millions of practitioners both in China and around the world.  Falun Dafa is heavily persecuted in China, while the rest of the world gives awards and commendations to Falun Dafa.  There were about 70 million practitioners in China when the persecution began in 1999, under the regime of Jiang Zemin, who was President of China from 1989 to 2002.  

Falun Dafa practitioners peacefully protest in Tiananmen Square in Beijing.  The sign says “Truth – Compassion – Tolerance”. (EpochTimes photo)

Jiang was a scourge for China, plundering trillions of it’s wealth for his family and he acted like the de facto president hanging around for a decade after his time was up.  Jiang went against the rest of the leadership in China, who didn’t want to persecute Falun Dafa and he had a big hand in setting up industrial scale live organ harvesting, mainly of practitioners, as well as the notorious 610 office that mainly persecutes Falun Gong.  People are forced to give blood in prisons and even at home by the police.  This blood is screened and results go into a database for future organ donation (that’s not voluntary).  This is how you can get a new liver in only two weeks in China, when it takes ten years to get one in the US!  Xi is draining China’s swamp that was created by Jiang Zemin, just as President Trump is draining a swamp here in the U.S. — in fact it’s part of the same swamp!

A parade in New York City with 8,000 Falun Dafa practitioners from all over the world (including China). (VisionTimes photo)

Xi knows all about this industrial scale program and the ties to the communist party.  Nothing happens in China without the party knowing about it, approving it and profiting from it.  Live organ harvesting is VERY profitable;  people will pay all the money they have to live.  Xi also knows that Falun Dafa is good because his wife was doing the practice before the persecution began, as were many family members of the top families in China.


Chinese tourists see Falun Dafa practitioners all over the world and they are shocked to meet completely normal, good people doing the same meditation that would get them arrested in China.  They were told lies in China and they are now waiting for Xi Jinping to tell them the truth about the nightmare of the persecution, nearly everyone in China knows someone who was persecuted.


It’s guaranteed that there will be many, many Falun Dafa practitioners greeting Xi Jinping as well.  Xi is not the enemy of Falun Dafa practitioners, they see him as another victim of the persecution and Xi will be the person who will end the persecution.  He has already limited the forced labor part of the persecution in China, the network of Lao Gai (forced unpaid slave labor).  

One thing is certain, success for President Trump will come if he leads the world to help end this immoral persecution of good people in China.

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