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Trump Administration Tries Justifying the Unjustifiable

Saturday, April 8, 2017 10:59
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Trump Administration Tries Justifying the Unjustifiable | syria_on_fire | Government Sleuth Journal Trump War Propaganda

Wars are based on deception and Big Lies. All US post-WW II ones were unjustifiable naked aggression – nations posing no threat attacked.

Trump used false flag deception as a pretext for Friday’s attack on Syria, naked aggression by any standard – an act of war, the highest of high crimes. He’s guilty as charged.

An administration document prepared ahead of Friday’s attack tried justifying the unjustifiable – based on Big Lies, stating the following:

“We assess with a high degree of confidence that the chemical weapons attack earlier this week was launched from th(e) site (attacked) by air assets under the command of the Assad regime.”

“We also assess, with a similar degree of confidence, that the Assad regime used a chemical nerve agent consistent with sarin in these attacks. As you know, Damascus and Moscow assured us all these weapons had been removed and destroyed.”

“The US strikes were a justified use of force because of several factors, including promoting regional stability, discouraging the use of chemical weapons, and protecting a civilian population from humanitarian atrocities.”

“Russia promotes a set of false facts, supported only by the Assad regime and its backers, much like it did after the attack on a UN convoy in northern Aleppo last September, or after the horrific use of chemical weapons in Ghouta in 2013, and as it does after each and every atrocity launched by the regime.”

“Russia faces a choice: either it takes responsibility for ensuring that Assad complies with the removal of these weapons as Russia committed it would do or it admits that it lacks the ability to control Assad.”

“Russia’s posture must change if the Syrian conflict is ever going to be resolved – and for the sake of our humanity, it must.”

Accusations without evidence are groundless. None exists. Trump’s attack on Syria was premeditated aggression.

Presidential authority to protect and defend national security and interests never justifies naked aggression for any reason.

Nor is waging war without Security Council permission, alone authorized to permit it – not nation-states, their leadership, legislators or courts.

Escalated US aggression is likely, in Syria and elsewhere. Russia and China must choose between challenging it responsibly or be isolated once US-controlled puppet regimes replace their allies.

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