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Two students at the University of California have “threatened” to “cut off” their penises if President Trump presses ahead with plans to erect the US-Mexico border wall.
The bizarre, self-defeating protest seems to be catching on, as four students at the University of Washington have also threatened to remove their reproductive anatomy if Trump fulfills the campaign promise that got him democratically elected.
Washington Sophomore Trent Griliphaen said he was inspired by the movement at The University of California, and that he thinks that Trump’s construction of the wall is “just an extension of his penis, and an expression of patriarchal rape culture.”
“Really, by building the wall, we are raping the Mexican people, and I am no longer willing to be a perpetrator of rape culture. If I remove my penis, I am making a statement that I reject this mentality.”
Griliphaen was apparently the first student at UW to embrace this movement, and according to him, he has inspired three other male students to commit to emasculating themselves when construction of the new border wall commences.
“I heard about what was happening in California, and new that this kind of movement could gain traction up here – we are a progressive state,” Griliphaen said.
I kind of feel guilty, I’m removing my penis, but one of the other guys is going to castrate himself, and he’s even considering taking off a couple of fingers.”
I hereby nominate Trent Griliphaen and his liberal college comrades for the Darwin Award. By removing their reproductive organs, the human gene pool can only be improved.
“The Darwin Awards salute the improvement of the human genome by honoring those who accidentally remove themselves from it…”
In other news worthy of Darwin Award nominations, it has become fashionable on Twitter for liberals to pledge “not to have children” in order to protest President Trump. What a shame, huh – no liberal children being born for the foreseeable future.
Well, I guess im not going to have any kids for 4 years bc I refuse for my children to be born into a country ran by donald fucking trump— Kymber (@KymiFowler) January 20, 2017
I’m not going to have kids because I wouldn’t want them to suffer through climate change-something trump supporters deny or don’t care about— Will Vercammen (@GrimmieXII) December 1, 2016
I’m not having kids. No way im going to bring a life into the hell whole Donald trump will have created by then.— Miss.D (@makaylachavez03) November 9, 2016
I’m 100% against having kids now. I love my unborn children so much that I’d rather have them never be born than to live in this world— PIMP IN DISKRESS (@KATMANGUZ) November 9, 2016
we got transwomen competing against real women yup the end is near if trump becomes president I’m not going to have kids.— Persephone’s Horn (@lortears) March 5, 2016
Way to go, guys! Keep up the protest! On a long enough timeline, this means liberals will die out altogether. NESARA- Restore America – Galactic News