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Announcing the 2017 ABA Young Birders of the Year!

Wednesday, March 1, 2017 7:30
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After months of dedicated work from young people across North America, our esteemed panel of judges  have evaluated and tabulated the results of the 2017 ABA Young Birder of the Year Contest. We are very excited to announce the winners of this year’s contest!

Your 2017 ABA Young Birder of the Year for the 14-18 age category is 18-year-old Johanna Beam from Lyons, Colorado! Congratulations, Johanna!

Johanna Beam, 2017 ABA Young Birder of the Year, 14-18 age group

We had a tie in the 11-13-year old category, with 13-year-olds Bailey Eichhorn from Lexington, South Carolina, and Cayenne Sweeney, from Camarillo, California, sharing the title for ABA Young Birder of the Year.

Bailey Eichhorn, 2017 ABA Young Birder of the Year, 11-13 age group

Cayenne Sweeney, 2017 ABA Young Birder of the Year, 11-13 age group

Winning contestants receive prizes donated by birding-related businesses and organizations. Johanna, Bailey, and Cayenne, as the top finishers in each age group, will receive a pair of Leica Trinovid binoculars donated by ABA’s Legacy Sponsor, Leica Sport Optics. Congratulations to everyone who participated in this prestigious competition!

You can see a list of all of the module winners at The Eyrie, the ABA’s Young Birder Blog. Stay tuned to The Eyrie in the coming weeks to see excerpts from the winning entries, interviews with the winners, and more.

The 2018 contest begins on April 15, so mark your calendars! For more information, contact the American Birding Association headquarters at (800) 850-2473 or (719) 578-9703, get in touch with Bill Stewart, or look for contest details on the ABA website.

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