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Rhinoceros by Marsel van Oosten

Sunday, March 26, 2017 8:03
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Rhinoceros by Marsel van Oosten
Every year I lead an intensive workshop in Spain for beginning and intermediate wildlife photographers: Wildlife Photography Boot Camp Our location is the largest zoological park in the world, and with over 100 different species from the five continents, this is the perfect place to learn all the basics of wildlife photography.The animals live in semi-wild conditions in the most stunning scenery. Getting a close up shot of a rhino in the wild is possible, but it’s dangerous – I can tell from experience. In this park however, the rhinos often come very close to the fence so you don’t need a 600mm lens to get shots like this. For this particular shot I first started with a 70-200 lens, but then the rhino got closer and closer to me and I had to switch to a 24-70 lens. I told our group to stay very quiet because rhinos have very poor eyesight and rely more on their hearing and smell. It was a good thing there was a fence between us, because getting this close to a rhino in the wild you would probably not survive. If you’re a beginner or intermediate photographer and would like to learn more about wildlife photography and composition, and have a great time with a small group of like-minded enthusiasts, then why not join us on our next Wildlife Photography Boot Camp in Spain? Please have a look on my website for more information, pictures and tour impression video clips: Squiver Photo Tours & Workshops Marsel Website | Blog | Facebook ©2013 Marsel van Oosten, All Rights Reserved. This image is not available for use on websites, blogs or other media without the explicit written permission of the photographer.
Marsel van Oosten: Photos


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