(Before It's News)
Heartful Musings-Love Art Inspiration
Oh dear!! Really?? It's been three days since I was here?
What to do??
Well I guess I'll just have to share a little of what I've been up to and give you all three days of gratitude in one and briefly cos' it's 6.40pm and I'm on dinner! My homemade veggie burgers if you'd like the recipe!
And besides if I don't get out to that glass of vino soon Luna may just beat me to it!
So yesterday mi amor and I sprawled out on the lounge room floor and brainstormed ALL of the possibilities for 2018 and believe me there were a LOT!!
Beautiful people all over invite me to come teach in their lovely spaces and towns and I wish I could say yes to everyone but the bottom line is I'm learning (especially this year) that sometimes I have to say no.
I know that many of you have my back and I get so many messages making sure that I'm not overdoing things and that I'm practicing self care.
So here I am checking in with you to let you know that I have planned next year to teach around half of the crazy schedule I set myself for the past few years!
Aren't you proud of me??
And because you can see my scrawls above in plain view I may as well let you know that in 2018 I'll be teaching in Oaxaca, Mexico, Dallas, Louisiana, Florida, Whidbey Island, Norway, Sweden, Spain and Luxembourg. I'll also squeeze in a couple of Australian workshops and there may be one or two more announced at some point but it wont be anything like the average 21 per year I have been teaching!
I've been squirming and stalling for weeks because I didn't want to let people down but guess what?The sky did not fall down on top of me and my dear hosts that I was unable to fit in still love me. Phew!
I'm grateful to have that pre planning done!
I've been making sure that I spend some time in nature each morning and I'm thankful we live in such a beautiful place.
Today mi amor walked along the beach at high tide and found the most amazing flower.
I even took the time to stop and smell it!
Amazing isn't it?
Of course I've been spending as much time in my studio as I possibly can and my Wise and Wonky owl series have been flying out the door as fast as I can paint them. I've sold, packaged and shipped off 25 in the last two weeks!
Each little one just makes me smile when I see their personalities begin to emerge.
Super grateful for that!
and along the way I've also been trying out some new ideas and getting excited to begin a brand new Mini Mojo online class where I explore with you all my fascination for faces and the humanity behind them. Grateful to say that boredom is not a word in my vocabulary!!
Wishing you all beauty and joy, peace and space to do the things you love.
Don't forget that my Paint Mojo ecourse is now fully downloadable and on sale for the next five days only!! I would LOVE you to jump wholeheartedly into the creative zone with me to reclaim your mojo and make your mark.
If you have any questions about the ecourse you may just find your answers
I won't say “see you tomorrow” because clearly I am totally unreliable in this space!
I WILL however see you soon and if I have to play catch up again like today that's all ok too!
I'm going easy on myself these days!
Lots of love to you all
Tracy xoxox