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Venus in Aries – Bold and Beautiful

Friday, May 2, 2014 18:13
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Astrology Forecast: Venus in Aries – Bold and Beautiful 

venus-aries_OMTimesVenus in Aries: Venus now transits the House of Aries! Our lives will be rekindled with new beauty, passion, and promise as the Morning Star initiates lovely new courses for our souls to venture into. Until May 29th expect the women of the world to open us to new fronts of fortune and experience and expect the graces of the goddesses to bring new Light into our minds and bodies.

I predict the following themes to emerge while Venus transits Aries: confrontations with women, feminine empowerment, shifts of power toward women in relationships, female heroism, new creative expression and direction, success and victory through female leadership, cognitive beautification, newfound genius, enhancements to health, family, and living environments, sudden transformation and victory against crisis, and introduction to the sacred and legendary.

More than anything else the Venus in Aries transit is designed to lead us boldly and beautifully into higher cycles of experience. By its very nature this influence will stimulate greater confidence and courage in us all, we simply have to recognize the microcosmic forms of Venus here on Earth, take her hand when she extends it, and run off in adventure with the sweetest energy in our solar system.

In Aries Venus stokes the fire element here on Earth. This means we must now consciously tap the power of fire to make the most beautiful strides and create the highest potential futures for ourselves. What does “tap the fire” mean? It means to be adventurous, bold, engaging, creative, inspirational, aggressive, passionate, decisive, action-oriented, and to lead wherever and however we should. This is a time to prosper through the mixture of courage and creativity, a time to venture into new and higher ways of living. Wear or carry carnelian and you will tap the magic of fire…


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