Why oh why, must we be bombarded with useless videos that don’t give us an idea of how long they are, thus subjecting us to an endless barrage of babble for undisclosed amounts of time, thus wasting our night away on nothing?
Yee Most Righteous Chabibi has spoken! Cue the Giant Duck Farts & Lightning……..
Why oh why, must we be bombarded with useless videos that don’t give us an idea of how long they are, thus subjecting us to an endless barrage of babble for undisclosed amounts of time, thus wasting our night away on nothing?
Yee Most Righteous Chabibi has spoken! Cue the Giant Duck Farts & Lightning……..
remember that prophecy of obama being the antichrist?
These misguided, deluded fools have a false prophecy for virtually any topic imaginable.