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Incredible Man hanging unconscious from a chairlift

Tuesday, January 31, 2017 16:53
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Incredible Man hanging unconscious from a chairlift 

Man hanging unconscious from a chairlift after his backpack got tangled around his neck is rescued by professional slackliner who WALKED across the cable to save his life Man was ready to enjoy the slopes of the Arapahoe Basin in Keystone, Colorado He tried to get off ski lift, but his backpack got caught and he was dragged back Operator stopped the lift, and the man dangled 10 to 15 feet above the ground Bystanders tried to create a human pyramid to reach him, but they kept slipping while the rescue team was still on its way Mickey Wilson, a part-time ski instructor and professional slackliner, jumped into action, calling the man a ‘friend of a friend’ He climbed a nearby tower, made his way to the chair and caught a knife thrown up to him by a ski patroller on the ground, before cutting him down

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