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Holy Grail site Found? 700 year old cave used by Knights Templar

Thursday, March 16, 2017 10:35
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Holy Grail site FOUND? 700 year old cave used by Knights Templar 

The temple, once used by the secretive religious sect and believed to date back 700 years, was found behind a rabbit hole in the Shropshire countryside.

It is thought the cave was used by the Knights Templar after their sect was literally forced underground by King Philip IV of France when he publicly burnt several of its prominent members at the stake.

The religious group were rumoured to have carried round the Holy Grail, most commonly identified as the cup that Jesus drank from at the Last Supper and that Joseph of Arimathea used to collect Jesus’s blood when he was crucified.

The incredibly religiously significant artefact has never been discovered, but there is a chance it may have been used by the Knights Templar in Shropshire.

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