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By Jeffery Pritchett
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Poisonous Chemicals Being Sprayed Via UFO Claims Witness See the Photograph

Wednesday, February 8, 2017 9:00
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The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) are investigating the photographs from the sighting of a flying saucer that snapped over homes and allegedly sprayed chemicals into the air.

The unnamed witness said that he happened to look up and saw what he first thought a passenger plane on fire.

A few seconds later, he realized that it was not a plane. He described the aerial thing as a blunt silver-domed object having orange lights around the UFO’s middle. He added that it was a usual domed UFO looking craft.

Eventually, it became apparent to the witness that the craft was in trouble. The witness saw no flame or intense burning, but some kind of a vapor trail was left. He said that the vapor trail did not appear to be from any place on the craft. It nearly enshrouded the craft, slipped off and fell behind. The trail then dissipated within seconds later, according to the witness.

He thought the trail was radioactive or highly poisonous. He noticed an increased intensity of the rumbling hiss as the craft left the smoke.

The sighting took place on July 20, 2013, at around 11 am in Huntington Beach, California, but has only been reported to MUFON recently.

The witness estimated the object to be a mile away, moving to south or southwest. He further guessed the size to be the same of a school bus at approximately 35 to 40 feet wide.

The witness managed to get photos of the mysterious aerial thing as it moved from right to left towards the coast.


Check out more contributions by Jeffery Pritchett ranging from UFO to Bigfoot to Paranormal to Prophecy


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