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Jeff Rense with Jay Weidner; Email Hackers from Rogue US State Department Elements

Sunday, October 16, 2016 14:18
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Jeff Rense with Jay Weidner the Final Crossroads of the US Presidential Elections.

An interesting theory discussed here is that is it not the Russians who are hacking the DNC and the Hillary Campaign, but rather rogue elements from within the US itself; namely former associates from the State Department not aligned with the Zionist Occupied Government in the rest of the US Government System.

Yet it will be the Russians who will be blamed for all such events because that is the only way to cover up the crimes of the Clintons and the crimes of the rest of the Corpses running the US Government.

So what is a bankrupt nation to do when the Ponzi Scheme has been exposed and your Banking Fraud is being exposed and your crooked Emails are being exposed? The simple as is your start a war to cover the trial of slime and to blame the Russians and in the “Fog of War” the one yelling the loudest that is what gets recorded as “History”.

Who is really controlling the US Elections? Is it really the Russians or is Pax Judaica being exposed for all to see and behold as their False Messiah finally exposes himself.

What is even more amusing about this entire fiasco about interference in “US Presidential Elections” to elect another Corporate Crony is that it is the objective of the US Adminstration to “Change Regimes” aroudn the world as in “Regime Change” as they have done or are trying to do in Syria, Iraq, Ira, Afpak, etc. and yet the US Media aka Zionist Controlled Clinton News Network has the audacity to complain about others getting involved in their affairs.

The “Chickens are Coming Home to Roost” is one popular saying in the American lexicon. Good luck and hold on because the waters will be choppy. The only way to rid yourself of this parasite that is occupying your body is to forcefully remove it. This virus cannot be flushed out of your system any other way.

Such virus consume one host and then move on to another once done. The US has served its purpose for the Zionist Luciferians Cabal and they are only too happy to see Russia clean up the mess for them. That is the perhaps the bad news or perhaps the good news because what comes next for Humanity is Pax Judaica where all affairs are now run out of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv under the rule of an Imposter Messiah in an Imposter Nation.

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