(Before It's News)
Seven Points to Ponder this Season
1) So many religions, so many sects, they can’t all be right. What is
important is not who is right, but that they actually encourage men to be
decent toward one another as humans.
2) The arguments between the religions are all between their prophets, and
their editors, translators, book burners, inquisitors and demonizers.
The God is the same God.
3) I believe there is a constant transmission throughout all creation,
that carries these truths, and those that manage to silence their egos,
and then silence the noise of constant thinking in their minds… sometimes
can tune in to this transmission.
4) That some of these prophets had better reception than others is no
reason to go to war. That some of them should have slapped the side of
their sets a few more times to get a better picture, is no reason to go to
5) Those that profit from lies, profit from war and have been using
religion as a scapegoat to further their own PROFITS for thousands of
6) Those who profit from lies, profit from war and have been using RACE as
a scapegoat to further their own PROFITS for thousands of years.
7) And Those that think they own us
seek to keep us at each other’s throats
lest we unite at theirs.
This screed above is dedicated to Alexey Mozgovoy
“War is the greatest injustice. We are not fighting the culprits. Those
who pay, who incite, who use the media to make people turn against each
other – this is who we should fight against.” – Alexey Mozgovoy, commander
of the “Ghost” brigade, killed May 23, 2015
More = https://arnielerma.wordpress.com/2015/09/16/11/
What a long strange trip its been...
Arnie Lerma
I'd prefer to die speaking my mind than live fearing to speak