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King Tut’s Mysterious Alien Children

Friday, March 3, 2017 12:38
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On February 16th of 1923 real life Indiana Jones, adventurer and archaeologist Howard Carter and his team entered the tomb of King Tutankhamun. The discovery was made after years of searching, and it was a momentous moment for Carter. The treasure turned out to be one of the greatest treasures ever found.

When king Tut’s tomb was opened, it was discovered that he had been entombed with two of his children. Both were daughters. It was years before studies were done on the children’s mummies, when permission was finally granted and the mummies were unwrapped for DNA analysis two of the strangest sets of
remains were revealed. Both looked like aliens. With elongated skulls,large eyes and atypically long fingers. They were officially determined to be fetuses, but  seem way too developed to be fetuses.

In a more recent development a new genetic study  which involved mapping the genome of 9 ancient Egyptian Pharaohs including Akhenaten,King Tut’s father,found that Akhenaten’s DNA differed considerably when compared to  normal humans.

One of the genes contributing to the differences was a gene called CXPAC-5, which is responsible for cortex growth.The increased activity in Akhenaten’s genome would suggest he had a higher cranial capacity because of the need to house a larger cortex. Another interesting piece of evidence was that electron microscope analysis revealed signs of nucleotidic cicatrix, which is a telltale sign of the DNA helix healing after being exposed to strong mutagens.

The strange alien-like fetuses, are now locked away deep in the secret vaults of the Cairo museum. As technology advltv.blogspot.comances we will hopefully learn more about the origins of ancient Egyptian DNA.


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Total 2 comments

  • Akhenaten was elongated skulled humanoid. Tutankhamen was a hybrid between Akhenaten and his human bride.
    It is said that the two children of Tutankhamen who was married to one of his six half sisters who were born from Nefertiti were stillborn. But it may not be entirely correct, one of the babies may have survived for a while.

    This historical fact may solve many mysteries of the ancient Egyptian society and the biblical history.

    There was untold genetic conflict between the elongated humanoid and humans in ancient times.

    If Moses was an elongated skulled humanoid as Karen Hudes and others suggest, that means the biblical record is the story of the elongated skulled humanoid and not that of humans.

    As a remnant of the Altantean species who conquered the natives of the Egypt ruled the humans for a long time.

    By the time of Akhenaten, the elongated skulled humanoids were dwindling in numbers. There was inter species level conflict much worse than described in the exodus of the Old Testament. The cone heads were dying species. Yet they enjoyed the prestige of the ruling class in Egypt. This didn’t bode well with the natives humans as their genetic incompatibility becomes more and more prominent.

    The cone heads become obsessive about preserving their species and tried to isolate themselves from the native species. This only caused more mutual hatred between the two species. The only option left for the cone heads was to leave Egypt and find their own land to survive. This is essentially the story of the Exodus.

    They still didn’t survive as a species.

    But their scriptural descendants are left who still hate other humans to this day for no special reason other than they believe they are superior to other races which is a huge hocus pocus considering their average IQ doesn’t even come up close to other superior races on earth.

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