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NASA Sends Us Another Coded Message – What do Exo Planets of Trappist-1 Really Mean? Here are some Answers…

Thursday, March 16, 2017 17:22
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[ZurichTimes] Suddenly we have found an entire set of ExoPlanets in the “Goldilocks Zone” just by accident?  

Some questions to consider;

  • The time is rather suspicious from the Never a Straight Answer [NASA] Folks?
  • Are they giving us a message that the “Future of Earth” is in fact “No Future for Earth”?
  • And hence the urgency and now suddenly a oh so conveniently discovered planets that we could in theory escape to?
  • Some many questions and yet so few answers when it comes to Outer Space.
  • We do not even know what 95% of the Universe is made out of. Could it be in fact Liquid?
  • Liquid as in Water as in above and below the Firmament?

So yes it is rather all guess work, but at least with somewhat educated guesses mixed in with the coded messages from the NASA Magicians, Nazis and Astronauts.

One brave soul offering his views and insights is Polzarization Media and his Unified Code Theory on all things Hollywood and NASA.

He has found eerily similiar images from the Occult Pet Goat Video and the recently released Trappist-1 images and the words of Admiral Ackbar as in Admiral Byrd which is both misspellings of their origins words (Byrd vs. Bird and Akbar vs. Ackbar as mockery of Allah Akbar and the anagram with Admiral Barack Obama).

ADMIRAL ACKBAR [] A veteran commander, Ackbar led the defense of his homeworld, Mon Cala, during the Clone Wars and then masterminded the rebel attack on the second Death Star at the Battle of Endor. Ackbar realized the rebels had been drawn into a trap at Endor, but adjusted, with his fleet buying valuable time for the attack to succeed. After the Battle of Endor, Ackbar became a Grand Admiral in the New Republic, winning many victories including the pivotal Battle of Jakku. He retired to Mon Cala, but was coaxed back into service with the Resistance by Leia Organa.

[AMTV] Here is another view on the real works and plans of NASA.

Are all of these images from NASA just PhotoShop renderings or is there any truth to their lies and their artworks?




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