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Boom! Mike Pence Just Destroyed Angela Merkel Right After She Refused To Fund Nato!

Tuesday, February 21, 2017 16:59
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(Before It's News)

Danny Gold for Liberty Writers reports, Mike Pence is really an incredible human being. In a total act of defiance today, he struck back at NATO and Germany in a speech that SHOCKED THE WORLD!

Let’s start at the beginning. Yesterday afternoon German PM Angela Merkel said she would NOT pay the 2% GDP that everyone else pays for NATO because she doesn’t feel like it.

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Total 2 comments
  • Looks like Pence is stepping up his game, getting ready to be the next president, no doubt :wink:

  • one thing mike pence needs to grasp. is that america is not bound to england. to israel. to the vatican. to the middle east. we are not bound to the united nations. to the european union. to other atlantic nations. to canada. we answer to no one. we are done with this game. there will be no holy war. no ukraine war. no south china sea war. your goal is to make america great again. the rest are on their own. why. because they tried to compromise our nation. our leaders. our scientists. our everything. as far as i can see, you only have australia, new zealand, canada and yourselves. which is plenty. good luck and God bless.

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