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By John Ale (Reporter)
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Roger Stone Panicked Left Launching Civil War

Thursday, February 16, 2017 11:18
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(Before It's News)

Roger Stone talks with Alex Jones and breaks down how the left are plotting to destabilize the United States. 

Roger Stone reveals how while Donald Trump won the Presidency the biggest fight is yet to come.

The Alex Jones Channel 

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Total 3 comments
  • The ‘civil war’ threat is merely manifestations of Rothschild zionist and british royal domination of the news media. Don’t go for it. Alex Jones just showed his true colors, and trouble is ahead as HAARP does California to hit the Orofino dam. HAAPed up earthquake swarms are aso being sent against nature and the U.S..

  • Boo

    What if they threw a war and no one came? Anyone from either side of the fence here should know they are being played. Doesn’t matter if your a protester or a Trumpster you need to pause your thoughts, and back off the noise. The real story here is intelligence agency’s at war with each other with no respect for the public, aka collateral damage. If your media is not railing against the leakers of the intelligence agency’s … they are not on your side. This is a covert take down of this country and all it stands for or every will stand for. Putin is not making sure, we the people, are able to see his surveillance ship sailing 70 miles off our shores for no reason. He’s telling us, the public,… that a coup is going down via our own intelligence agency’s against the democracy. They are listening in because they need to know how close we are losing our sovereignty so they can prepare to defend their country in response. Once this goes down … Russia knows how un-stabilizing this will be for our country, a nuclear power and they are in the cross hairs next. I would insist Trump and all the politicians concentrate on our intelligence agencys and find and prosecute the leakers.

  • I said it before I’ll say it again . The first time a shot is fired or their cell phone doesn’t work or their bank is closed these liberal cry babies will run home to their mommies . These idiots don’t have a clue about insurrection and the cost of such an action .

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