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September 23, 2017, Revelation 12, US Solar Eclipse – Signs in the Heavens

Sunday, February 19, 2017 18:13
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“In this i take a look at the coming events that we will see in 2017. I start with the US Solar Eclipse and there is a link below to show viewing areas across the country.  I then take a look at the alignment of stars on September 23rd, 2017 and its possible connection to Revelation 12.”

“In no way am i calling for rapture or anything like that on this date. One thing is for sure, this alignment will happen on this date. Make sure to check out the links below for more info and stay tuned for our live coverage of the eclipse, right here on Dahboo77.”

“Sky watchers in North America and Hawaii will be able to see at least a partial solar eclipse on that summer day, but most people will have to travel to see the sun completely eclipsed by the moon. If you’re considering making a trip to see the total solar eclipse, here’s a guide to which states and cities fall inside the path.”

“On that third Monday in August, the sun will appear to be partially obscured by the moon to viewers across all of North America and in Hawaii. Just how much of the sun will be eclipsed by the moon will depend on where you’re observing from.”

“For most people in the U.S., the moon will appear to cover at least two-thirds of the sun and in many locations it will be much more than that. Viewers located very close to the path of totality will see only a sliver of the sun remaining. If that’s the case, then most definitely you should try to make an effort to get yourself into the totality path!”……

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