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NSA Spying on Trump Family and Associates as Far Back as 2004 Confirmed

Tuesday, March 21, 2017 18:56
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(Before It's News)

Leaked NSA “Operation Dragnet” Database documents confirm that the NSA has been spying on President Trump, his family, and associates and key employees as far back as 2004!!! This is a huge bombshell first reported by Infowars and Drudge Report and the Mainstream Media is trying to bury the story. These documents were provided by members of former Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse to Alex Jones of Infowars. The documents also show that Alex Jones, Michael Savage, Joe Arpaio and his detectives were all targeted by the NSA for illegal and unconstitutional spying. THIS IS MEGA MASSIVE HUGE. Links to the Infowars article and several other articles and videos are on my latest blog post in the link provided below. Please Watch, Like, And SHARE!!!!! Please subscribe to my channel and follow me on social media.

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The NSA has been involved in illegal spying for quite some time now. The original programs were created after September 11th with the intent of stopping terrorist acts. Snowden’s NSA Leaks have proven that the NSA has overstepped its mandate and has detailed how they spy on us. It has also been confirmed that UK’s NSA counterpart the GCHQ routinely spies and shared information with the NSA. Both the Obama and Bush admins spied on President Donald Trump.

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