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By The Bookshelf Muse
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October Critiques 4 U!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014 2:20
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(Before It's News)


Courtesy: JD Hancock @ Creative Commons

I had SO MUCH FUN reading the first pages from last month’s Critiques 4 U contest winners. Thank you Terry Gene, Kelly Miller, and Heather Brady for being so brave as to let me read your work. And I was completely blown away by the response—over 70 entrants in that 24-hour period. With so many first pages out there just sitting around, waiting to be read, I need to get cracking.

Since Halloween is coming, along with my husband’s birthday and about a hundred soccer games, I’m opening submissions for this month’s contest today, before October gets totally whacko. If you’re working on something (no erotica, please) that needs fresh eyes, leave a comment that includes your email address, the working title of your WIP, its genre, and the intended audience. I’ll randomly draw 3 commenters and post the winners on Thursday. If you win, you can email me your first page and I’ll give you my feedback.

You’ve got 24 hours. GO!

The post October Critiques 4 U! appeared first on WRITERS HELPING WRITERS.


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