What does your character want? This is an important question to answer because it determines what your protagonist hopes to achieve by the story’s end. If the goal, or outer motivation, is written well, readers will identify fairly quickly what the overall story goal’s going to be and they’ll know what to root for. But how do you know what outer motivation to choose?
If you read enough books, you’ll see the same goals being used for different characters in new scenarios. Through this thesaurus, we’d like to explore these common outer motivations so you can see your options and what those goals might look like on a deeper level.
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Character’s Goal (Outer Motivation): Pursuing Justice for Oneself or Others
Forms This Might Take:
Winning a court case and proving oneself or one’s client innocent
Enacting a law that will provide equality for a group of people
Changing the status quo (in a country, school, organization, etc.) in way that brings about justice for someone
Making something available to others that one believes to be a personal right (freedom, education, clean water, the ability to vote, etc.)
Saving someone from being bullied, persecuted, or discriminated against
Bringing an unjust situation to light so it can be addressed
Exposing the deeds of an evil person or entity so justice will be served
Human Need Driving the Goal (Inner Motivation): love and belonging
How the Character May Prepare for This Goal:
Inserting oneself (to some degree) into the oppressed group to get a feel for what they’re going through
Looking for allies within the oppressed group who are willing to go public
Finding external allies who are in a specific position to help (doctors, judges, lawyers, government officials, celebrities, experts in a field, etc.)
Gathering evidence
Reading up on prior fights for this group that produced favorable results
Organizing rallies and protests to increase public awareness
Raising funds
Counteracting propaganda (through a blog or YouTube channel, by distributing fliers and pamphlets, with media interviews, etc.)
Shifting one’s priorities so this pursuit can be given more time and energy
Visiting the oppressed group or area as a way of doing research
Studying the situation to educate oneself
Exploring alternative solutions that could help solve the problem (different ways of getting clean water to an area, finding cost-effective methods of bringing education to those without it)
Educating the people (if necessary) on the situation and what they can do to decrease their own victimization
Possible Sacrifices or Costs Associated With This Goal:
being harmed (physically, financially, etc.) by those who don’t want the status quo to change
strained relations with family members who are being threatened or attacked due to one’s involvement
losing friends who don’t agree that injustice is happening and don’t support one’s goal
one’s reputation being ruined in a smear campaign
becoming so impassioned with this culture or group of people that one loses touch with one’s own
becoming so obsessed with righting the wrong that one sacrifices one’s family, career, health, or mental well-being
Giving up hobbies, memberships in organizations, or passions that once were important but now seem trivial in comparison to the greater wrong that’s happening
Roadblocks Which Could Prevent This Goal from Being Achieved:
Powerful people or organizations who are deliberately oppressing the group for their own gain
Legislature and bureaucratic red tape that make change difficult
Ignorance or denial among the public
Lack of resources (money, time, volunteers, etc.)
Lack of necessary skills
Cultural barriers (not speaking the language, prejudices that make one untrustworthy to the people one wants to help, etc.)
Naïveté or overzealousness leading to lapses in judgment
Possible Fallout For the Protagonist if This Goal Is Not Met:
Oppression and possibly loss of life for those one is fighting for
A lack of meaning in one’s own life
Substance abuse (due to guilt or wanting to dull the knowledge that people are continuing to be oppressed)
An inability to continue living in the culture that didn’t help the oppressed or refused to see the injustice
Depression and mental illness
One’s failure proving the naysayers right, reinforcing their ignorance and decreasing the chances of someone else taking up this fight down the road
Clichés to Avoid:
The crusader who sacrifices everything (health, finances, family) but is unable to overcome the opposition and ends up penniless and alone
The stereotypes that lend themselves to this role (hippies, rabid environmentalists, etc.)
Click here for a list of our current entries for this thesaurus, along with a master post containing information on the individual fields.
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