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It’s the first ever book on supernatural smells. We are talking about Joshua Cutchin’s new book, The Brimstone Deceit: An In-Depth Examination of Supernatural Scents, Otherworldly Odors, and Monstrous Miasmas, of course. Greg Bishop of Radio Misterioso calls it “an instant classic” because “it articulates a refreshingly original approach to the paranormal and more importantly, how witnesses interpret their experiences.” Another thumbs up comes from Nick Redfern, who reviewed the book in Mysterious Universe: “The Brimstone Deceit is a gripping and eye-opening examination of how, why, and under what specific circumstances odors play notable – arguably, integral – roles in encounters of the paranormal kind…[In the process] Josh tackles such issues as psychedelics, altered states, stage-managed events (by who or what, is the big question), deception and manipulation of the witnesses, and much more.” Redfern then compares Cutchin’s approach to that of a well-known fortean master: “Josh goes down the path taken by John Keel, who came to believe that the many and varied unknown ‘things’ which intrude upon our world are somehow all part and parcel of something bigger, something interconnected.” Finally, we have Kyle Philson’s review, which appeared in Expanded Perspectives: “Joshua is like a breath of fresh air in this community. He continually looks at these fringe and Fortean topics from an entirely new angle…Once again Joshua Cutchin knocks it out of the park!”
Read more at Anomalist Books