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Create a Vision Board for Your Goals

Sunday, August 17, 2014 8:47
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by: Cheryl Wilms

'' One of the best ways to achieve your goals is to display them. Having them displayed will be a constant reminder of what you intend to achieve and will activate your desire on a daily basis.

A vision board is a board in which you add images, words, and descriptions of your goals and things you desire to achieve. It is meant to inspire and motivate you to act on opportunities and tasks that will lead you to success.

A way to get started is to go through the list of what you desire. What is it that you want to accomplish? After you have written down what it is that you want to accomplish, look for images and words that reflect them. You can find them in magazines or your own images if you like. You can even go as far as taking a picture of you in a showhome of your dreams (with permission) or you taking a test drive with YOU in the car of your dreams.

Once you have your images, put them on a board, preferrably a large one so you can fit all of your goals on and your future goals on. Create a collage of all of the images and words you have collected or design it in a way that sparks your excitement. You can decorate however you like.

Once you have completed your vision board, place it in a location that you will see it every single day and will motivate you on a continuous basis. For me, I have placed it above my work station so I see it all day long, even when I’m not working because my work station happens to be right in my living room.


The post Create a Vision Board for Your Goals appeared first on Robert JR Graham.


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