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Hardly a day goes by without someone asking one of the China lawyers at my firm for an English language source on Chinese law on one thing or another. Truth is there is a dearth of helpful articles and books on Chinese law, in large part because Chinese law changes so often and varies so much from city to city, both in actuality and in how it is enforced. On top of that, because our attorneys do virtually all of their legal research in Chinese (it is never good to read anything but the actual law as opposed to a translation) we are not even great people to ask.
But there is some help out there and I was reminded of this yesterday by a reader who sent me an email rightly touting this bibliography on Chinese law crafted by Knut Benjamin Pissler and Benjamin Julius Groth, both at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law. The bibliography is entitled, Bibliography of Academic Writings in the Field of Chinese Law in Western Languages in 2015, and though it has a decidedly academic tilt, it still makes for a good starting point for anyone looking to dive deeper into Chinese law.
The Abstract for this China law bibliography describes it as follows:
The bibliography aims to give readers an overview on articles in academic journals, contributions to edited volumes, monographs and textbooks published in English or German in the field of Chinese law published in 2015. Writings in other western languages could only partly be considered. Regarding relevant German-language literature, the issues 1 to 12 of the journal “Karlsruher Juristische Bibliographie” (KJB) of the year 2015 were screened for articles relating to Chinese Law. Simultaneously the classification scheme of the KJB was used as a model in this bibliography. Inside this classification scheme the titles of the contributions are listed in alphabetic order of the authors. Abbreviations are not utilized in order to facilitate the use of this bibliography by international readers. Concerning English-language literature we mainly focused on periodicals and books available at the library of the Max-Planck-Institute for Comparative and International Private Law (MPI) in Hamburg. The catalogue of the library of the MPI is available via the homepage of the institute (OPAC). Besides we scrutinized fee-charging databases like Westlaw, LexisNexis, Juris and Beck-Online for relevant articles.
Number of Pages in PDF File: 19
Keywords: Bibliography, Chinese law, 2015
JEL Classification: K00
I urge you give it a look-see.
We will be discussing the practical aspects of Chinese law and how it impacts business there. We will be telling you what works and what does not and what you as a businessperson can do to use the law to your advantage. Our aim is to assist businesses already in China or planning to go into China, not to break new ground in legal theory or policy.