(Before It's News)
By proclaiming our faith, we choose to place God first in our lives. God is more important than anything! Today the modern culture no longer believes this.
Modern culture wants to put God in a box, and for some to lock that box and throw it aside as irrelevant or a fairy tale. Others want God to conform to their way of thinking, and so again God is put into a box and put on a dusty shelf. Others want God to solve all the problems of life and to do all the work for them, again God is placed in a box and put to one side.
The first reading from the book of Wisdom says: What man indeed can know the intentions of God? If we did know, we would grab a box for ourselves and firmly place God in there. The ways of the Lord are not known so conveniently by us, his ways are not a democratic vote, his ways are revealed by a person, and that person is Jesus Christ.
The gospel tells us to prefer Jesus above all else, people, family, possessions, surely this is a difficult feat to manage. How do we manage this? We are to take up our cross and follow Jesus.
Jesus wants us to be aware of how difficult a task it is we are undertaking when we proclaim to the world that we are Christians. We will suffer ridicule, persecution, and rejection when we follow Christ.
This cross is particularly difficult when our own families and loved ones reject the faith, this cross that many of us are asked to pick up involves pain. We are to pray more earnestly for our loved ones, showing a good example. The case for being a Christian is seldom won by argument, but more often by example and by prayer.
We take up a cross, not a box when we proclaim our faith. May that trusting action in our lives lead us to heaven.