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By Brother Ralphie
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The Significance of Murder

Monday, March 13, 2017 8:02
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Horror movies have it right.  Really.  Horror movies are all about murder.  What I am saying in this blog in every post I make is that murder is NEVER forgiven by God.  I have been asked then, whether abortion is murder, and that if it is, whether God holds the woman responsible or the physician or person who performs the abortion.  I don't believe in laws that limit a woman's choice when it comes to abortion.  And I believe that when a woman makes that choice, it's the woman God will hold responsible, although I am not sure I can excuse doctors that easily.  Further I have said that if a woman is raped and has an abortion because of rape, God will hold the rapist responsible. 

My Angels did NOT define murder for me.  But I have decided that laws are inconsistent and inadequate to define what murder really is.  IF churches would decide to make murder an unforgivable sin, there would be no need for their existence.  Why?  Churches forgive murder.  And churches define murder only in the context of laws.  I say there is only ONE Law of God and that Law IS Human Life.  Period.  I say Human Life begins at the moment of conception and from that moment forward EVERY Human Life belongs to no one but to God Himself.  Violating this ONE Law of God is unforgivable.  Period.  End of sentence.  God is NOT going to ask why any person violated His Law.  He won't hear explanations at the Judgment.  If you are guilty of having taken a Human Life for ANY reason at the time of the Judgment, you will NOT see the gates of Heaven.  This is the ONLY sin you can commit that will cause you to lose your salvation.  God won't ask you about ANY other sin or sins in your life.  He simply will NOT care.  BUT if you have violated the ONE Law of God, you are forever doomed to eternal damnation.  I can't change this.  Your beliefs can't change this.  You can disagree with me all you want, but your disagreements won't change this.  You can call me names; say I speak for Satan; and speak all manner of evil against me, but there is NOTHING you nor ANY other person can do to change this.  Murder is the intentional taking of ANY Human Life for ANY reason. 

When the Messiah comes, He will first judge the dead.  And then those of us living will face Him.  And I am saying He will only ask ONE question.  He will NOT care about ANY other sin or sins in your life.  So, I say we are all born saved and we lose our salvation by doing one thing.  There can be no forgiveness for murder.  None.  I don't care what you believe or what you have been taught.  The Church nor anyone else can forgive the sin of murder. 

Further in some cases, the Church will give solace to families of those who commit suicide by saying there can be hope for the deceased.  I am saying there is NO HOPE for ANYONE who takes his or her own life.  We are NOT even owners of our own lives. 

So, there you have it as concisely as I can say it.  There isn't much more I really have to say about it.  No law of ANY kind can define murder.  There is ONLY ONE Law of God and if one violates that ONE Law, there is no hope.  None.  I can't say it any better than this.  I am Brother Ralphie writing for my Angels from The Angels of Life Institute.  Peace. Brother Ralphie works from his study for the promotion of Peaceful living and inner Peace with God. He calls this the “Sanctity of Human Life Movement.”


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